Closed eostis closed 1 year ago
The doc for using query side embedder is not perfect and this works because you have just one embedder and not using quotes. So the input to the embedder is "???, query:"
If you have only configured a single embedder, you can skip the embedder id argument and optionally also the quotes.
It worked. 👍
embed(???, "query: parot")
is triggering the expected error.
Using a component id that does not exist does not prevent queries to return results !
YQL query:
{"offset":0,"hits":20,"input.query(q_384)":"embed(???, query: parot)","ranking":"wpsolr_rank_vector_text","yql":"select wpsolr_id, wpsolr_PID, wpsolr_type, wpsolr_meta_type_s, wpsolr_title, wpsolr_numcomments, wpsolr_comments, wpsolr_displaydate, wpsolr_displaymodified, wpsolr_author, wpsolr_snippet_s, wpsolr_content from Vespa1 where ((wpsolr_type contains ({stem: false}\"post\")) and !(((wpsolr_post_status_s contains ({stem: false}\"draft\")) or (wpsolr_post_status_s contains ({stem: false}\"pending\")) or (wpsolr_post_status_s contains ({stem: false}\"trash\")) or (wpsolr_post_status_s contains ({stem: false}\"future\")) or (wpsolr_post_status_s contains ({stem: false}\"private\")) or (wpsolr_post_status_s contains ({stem: false}\"auto-draft\")))) and (!(!((wpsolr_is_excluded_s contains ({stem: false}\"_wpsolr_undefined\")))) or (wpsolr_is_excluded_s contains ({stem: false}\"n\"))) and ({label:'wpsolr_search_operator_nearest_neighbor_text',approximate:true,targetHits: 100}nearestNeighbor(wpsolr_field_vector_text, q_384))) | all(all(group(wpsolr_type) order(-count()) max(20) each(output(count()))))"}