vestman / Select-or-Die

Yet another jQuery plugin to style select elements. Demo at
MIT License
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Bugfix for issue 22 - placeholder breaks on mobile #24

Open grwgreg opened 9 years ago

grwgreg commented 9 years ago

I had to change a few things to get this working.

The click event was being fired for the native select menu on both the initial opening of the select menu and also when an option was selected. This would call the triggerSod method, which didn't handle the toggling of the placeholder for touch devices. So I added some conditional checks for whether the select was being opened or closed on a touch device, toggling a new data variable $'touch_open') instead of the "open" class (which we don't want added on mobile devices).

Also, the blurSod method would then reset the placeholder to the wrong value on blur, based on which .sod_option had the selected class. To fix this I added some code to the selectChange method, setting the "selected" class on the right .sod_option element even though it isn't visible for mobile devices.

This seemed to fix it! :dancers:

Also updated the version number, date & reminified the file.