vestman / Select-or-Die

Yet another jQuery plugin to style select elements. Demo at
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Placeholder not updating with selected option in Windows 8 (IE/Chrome) #37

Open Steviant-zz opened 9 years ago

Steviant-zz commented 9 years ago

On SOD elements with a placeholder, the label shows the first option on select, rather than the placeholder or the selected option, both in Internet Explorer 10 and Chrome 43, on Windows 8.

Works fine in Firefox though, oddly.

vestman commented 8 years ago

I guess you've moved on, @Steviant. But would you mind creating a fiddle where I can take a look at this issue? Here's one that you can fork

The reason I'm asking is because I'm not able to reproduce it in IE10 nor Chrome (I'm testing on Windows 7)

Steviant-zz commented 8 years ago

Ack, ye gods, this was a while back. I don't have a Windows rig to test on now, as I stumbled on this issue while working as a contractor for a particular client. I'll ping it over to them, though, as it was them that raised it with me in the first place.

vestman commented 8 years ago

He, yeah, SoD haven't been getting a lot of attention from me the last year. Thought it was time to change that... Hehe.

Any way, thanks!

diogolmenezes commented 8 years ago

Hi! Any solution for this bug ? :(

diogolmenezes commented 8 years ago

Hey man, i found the error. On windows 8 Chrome if IF is TRUE

// If it's a touch device if (_private.isTouch()) { $sod.addClass("touch"); }

In Edge is false, thats why edge works fine. In my case i only comment this condition, but if u use in mobile you have to test the mobile header to :)

hope it helps.