vestman / Select-or-Die

Yet another jQuery plugin to style select elements. Demo at
MIT License
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Not functioning on IE 11.0.9600 #7

Closed ThomasGrolleau closed 9 years ago

ThomasGrolleau commented 9 years ago

I'm soooooo disapointed because it's a very nice plugin but does'nt work on IE 11 on Win7, (not changing the item on selection even if the "onChange" function seems to be triggered...) I hate IE... I don't want to debug on IE sorry But works fine on my Chrome and FF !

ghost commented 9 years ago

I can confirm the same thing. No IE 11 love on Win8 either.

vestman commented 9 years ago

I'm on it!

P.S. Any chance one of you could check if #6 occurs for you to on Windows?

ghost commented 9 years ago

6 isn't an issue. Looks perfect, just not keeping the selection.

ThomasGrolleau commented 9 years ago

no #6 for me, it's working perfectly on my FF 30.0 on Win7

thers commented 9 years ago

IE 10 on Win8 x64 is also affected, the only way to change seletion is focus on field using tab then space to open list then select item and hit enter button, everything else just won't work. And as i can see on site isn't the most recent version, because i see #4 bugs ;)

robpataki commented 9 years ago

I can also confirm IE11/Win8 and IE10/Win7 has this issue. I just checked the selectordie ( page after noticing the bug and none of the examples work on that page with IE :/

stephenmcghee commented 9 years ago

Seems to be happening in all versions of IE. After selecting an option, it reverts back to the original.

robpataki commented 9 years ago

I looked into it the other day and I've found that the issue is lying in the _private.optionClick method. It seems that the jquery event delegation doesn't work in IE properly for some reason and the event target is always the first option.

mlumbroso commented 9 years ago


here is what I see on your website with IE11.0.9600 and Win 8.


Thanks for the debug :-)

cah4a commented 9 years ago


I found that issue in _private.focusSod. If detach this handler from $sod.focusin event, it work pretty good.

I think, we have here some IE bug. IE lose scope on click event, while using blur/focus methods.

cah4a commented 9 years ago

Sorry, no IE bug here))

While clicking on some option, IE sends focusin event. _private.focusSod handler remove "open" class, so drop-down box disappears. IE not sends click event to hidden element, while _private.focusSod handler manually trigger click event on current active element. This hack do the trick.

HandHugs commented 9 years ago

Also having this issue - IE 10 on Windows 8 not working at all - also tested IE 11 in windows 8.1, same result : can't select anything other than first option.

janhocevar commented 9 years ago

I'm confirming that @cah4a 2d5e957 works.

levsoroka commented 9 years ago

Yes fix from @cah4a works. @vestman you need to update your site, caz its broken in ie :)

HandHugs commented 9 years ago

How do we make the change that @cah4a suggested? Can we make a fork that works in IE? Does this fix the issue with it not working in iOS, too??

cah4a commented 9 years ago

@HandHugs you can simply use that source.

In iOs it should fallback in system select behaviour:

2014-08-09 19 22 23 iPad

2014-08-09 19 20 33 iPhone

connorbond commented 9 years ago

Is this being actively worked on? I am also having the same issue on an ecommerce site, and simply removing for IE will not go down well with clients. 'Dropdown' appears, but the select is not updated

ghost commented 9 years ago

There's already been several confirmations that cah4a@2d5e057 is the fix. Thanks again @cah4a

Read the comments before posting another "me too" or "fix it for me" post. @vestman has been pretty silent on the pull requests so who knows if he's gonna merge anything.

connorbond commented 9 years ago

I meant to ask whether it had been merged, I saw the comment but I am struggling to add this to my own copy. Sorry.

vestman commented 9 years ago

Fixed and merged! Thanks for the help, @cah4a and everyone else!