vestman / Select-or-Die

Yet another jQuery plugin to style select elements. Demo at
MIT License
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IOS selection reset issue #8

Closed ghost closed 9 years ago

ghost commented 9 years ago

After you make a selection on IOS and click on another input field, it resets the selection.

On your live demo site, it doesn't have this issue. Maybe the current download is not up to date?

mrtnpro commented 9 years ago

+1 Having the same issue

mdsEu commented 9 years ago


I could not find solution

HandHugs commented 9 years ago

Same thing!

HandHugs commented 9 years ago

Anyone? This is basically un-usable if it doesn't work on mobile / ipad...

andrew-knott commented 9 years ago

+1 Same issue.

claudiomedina commented 9 years ago

It's happening on my PC too but only on Chrome, the other browsers work fine.

andrew-knott commented 9 years ago

If you copy the minified version from the selectordie site, it works.!inc/js/selectordie.min.js

Something must be up with the Bower version?

PawelGIX commented 9 years ago

I have this issue.

vestman commented 9 years ago

Fixed, thanks to @builtbylane! Sorry for taking so long to merge the fix.

macstens commented 8 years ago

The issue is resolved in the normal version of the script, but the minified version still has the problem... just to let anyone know.

conair355 commented 8 years ago

I tried removing the class "touch" form the selectordie library, and it worked, able to see the custom dropdown style in iPad and also Android devices.

Search the code below and remove the class "touch" in line number: 98

if ( _private.isTouch() ) { $sod.addClass("touch"); }

jordanoverbye commented 8 years ago

Anyone still having this issue?

8bitspixel commented 7 years ago

Yeap, you only need to replace 'touch' class on the min.js for anything else and works fine. }).insertAfter(this), h.isTouch() && u.addClass("touch"), v = a("", {