vestr-at-work / mff-uk-introduction-to-software-engineering

Repo for homework to the course Intoduction to Software Engineering.
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Viewing subject details #5

Open vestr-at-work opened 2 months ago

vestr-at-work commented 2 months ago

As a student, I want to be able to view detailed information about each subject, including course syllabus, instructor details, and class timings, to make informed decisions about my academic choices.

vestr-at-work commented 2 months ago

Clerk and teacher also need this.

Jakub-Nemec commented 1 month ago

Use case

Starting situation


1) The user (student, clerk, or teacher) logs into the institution's system. 2) The user navigates to the "Subjects" section. 3) The system presents a list of available subjects. 4) The user selects a specific subject of interest. 5) The system displays detailed information about the selected subject, including:

What can go wrong

System state on completion