vestr-at-work / mff-uk-introduction-to-software-engineering

Repo for homework to the course Intoduction to Software Engineering.
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Approving modifications of subjects #6

Open vestr-at-work opened 2 months ago

vestr-at-work commented 2 months ago

As a clerk, I need to approve the addition of new subjects and modifications to existing ones before they are visible to students, as I am responsible for this matter.

Jakub-Nemec commented 1 month ago

Use case

Starting situation


1) The clerk receives a request for adding a new subject or modifying an existing one. 2) The clerk reviews the details of the request to ensure accuracy and completeness. 3) If necessary, the clerk communicates with relevant stakeholders to gather additional information or clarification. 4) The clerk assesses the impact of the addition or modification on existing curriculum and schedules. 5) After thorough review, the clerk approves the request if it meets all requirements and is deemed appropriate for student access. 6) Once approved, the new subject or modifications are implemented into the system. 7) he clerk notifies relevant parties, such as instructors and administrators, about the approval and implementation of the changes.

What can go wrong

System state on completion