vestr-at-work / mff-uk-introduction-to-software-engineering

Repo for homework to the course Intoduction to Software Engineering.
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Viewing history of changes of subjects #7

Open vestr-at-work opened 2 months ago

vestr-at-work commented 2 months ago

As a clerk, I need to access the history of subject changes within the system. This feature is crucial because subjects may undergo revisions, and it's important for us to track these changes over time. This will ensure that students are learning the most current curriculum aligned with academic standards.

danekjiri commented 1 month ago


The subject module of the university student information system must allow authorized users to view the history of changes made to subjects, ensuring transparency and accountability in curriculum management.



danekjiri commented 1 month ago


Starting Situation:

An authorized clerk accesses the subject module of the university's student information system with the intention of reviewing the history of changes made to subjects.


  1. Clerk logs into the system using their authorized credentials.
  2. Clerk navigates to the "Subject Change History" section within the system.
  3. System retrieves and displays a list of subject modifications chronologically.
  4. Clerk utilizes search and filter functionalities to narrow down the displayed history based on specific criteria (e.g., date range, type of change).
  5. System presents detailed information for each modification, including:
    • Type of change (addition, deletion, modification)
    • User who made the change
    • Timestamp of the change
    • Specific elements affected (e.g., subject title, description)
  6. Clerk can select a specific modification to view further details or retrieve changes.

What Can Go Wrong

System State on Completion