vestr-at-work / mff-uk-introduction-to-software-engineering

Repo for homework to the course Intoduction to Software Engineering.
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Adding reference materials #8

Open basvas-jkj opened 1 month ago

basvas-jkj commented 1 month ago

As a teacher, I require the ability to assign textbooks, reference materials, and other resources to each subject within the university student information system. This functionality will facilitate better preparation and organization for both instructors and students. Centralizing all required materials in one place will enhance students' understanding of the topics and streamline access to essential resources.

danekjiri commented 4 weeks ago


The subject module of the university student information system must provide teachers with the ability to assign textbooks, reference materials, and other resources to each subject offered within the system. This functionality aims to enhance preparation and organization for instructors and students by centralizing all required materials.



danekjiri commented 3 weeks ago


Starting Situation:

A teacher accesses the subject management module within the university's student information system to associate textbooks, reference materials, and other resources with a specific subject.


  1. Teacher selects a subject and navigates to the resource assignment interface.
  2. Teacher uploads files directly or provides links to external resources (e.g., websites, online articles, videos) relevant to the subject.
  3. Teacher adds descriptive metadata (e.g., title, author, description) for each assigned resource.
  4. System verifies the uploaded resources and metadata for correctness and format.
  5. System associates the uploaded resources with the selected subject.
  6. Assigned resources become accessible and viewable within the subject's profile.

What Can Go Wrong:

System State on Completion:

danekjiri commented 1 week ago