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shoc windows devicememory crashes nvidia driver in 5th texture test #14

Closed jsmeredith closed 12 years ago

jsmeredith commented 12 years ago

This occurrs on a Quadro FX 380 (G96, 256MB or 512MB RAM, I forget, 301.xx driver) and a GeForce GTX 460 (GF104 1 GB, 295.73 driver).

The display goes blank for a second, then returns, then Windows pops up an error that says your display driver crashed. The console outputs this error: error=30 name=unknown error at ln: 409

jsmeredith commented 12 years ago

Turns out the last test case for the last problem size was a simple "your kernel ran longer than 5 seconds" problem, which in Windows will do Bad Things. I changed kernel rep factor to scale back a bit on the 5th texture problem size. (To detect this, I had to put cuda error checks within that loop.)

Also: "scalet" could be less than one, which will make the number of iterations Zero. I also added a fix for that.