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Refactor/server folder #206

Closed JohanHjelsethStorstad closed 6 months ago

JohanHjelsethStorstad commented 6 months ago

This is a big refactor so discuss changes here. I especially am wondering about the auth stuff. Should we have two auth directories? and much of the things in src/auth should use things in auth/server/auth. There are probably many parts of server logic that can be made more modular.

JohanHjelsethStorstad commented 6 months ago

I think that the src/auth dir. should be refactored some time next week in a separate PR.

JohanHjelsethStorstad commented 6 months ago

I think this is now ready. I have not done much with Auth. We might want to change the name ActionReturn to something like WrappedSafeReturn at this point

JohanHjelsethStorstad commented 6 months ago

And I have not done anything with /actions/groups

Paulijuz commented 6 months ago

Another thing i though about is that do server functions really need to return an action return? I mean, they will always have to be called from a server action. (I think at least, i see no reason to call them from server side rendered pages as that would mean that they won't be authed.) So we could just throw errors instead. I think this would make the code base a lot cleaner on the server side of things without affecting the frontend part as we won't have to type this

const doSomethingRes = await doSomething()

if (!doSomethingRes.success) {
    return doSomething

const data =

and could simply write instead

const data = await doSomething()

since an error could simply be throw deep down somwhere and be catched at the action call.

Paulijuz commented 6 months ago

We could create a custom error class and have the same error information in it as an action return error. Then we could simply have a function to parse this error from an error class to an action return error. Basically mirroring what we do with prisma.

For example inside an action:

try {
 const newThing = await createThing()

 return { success: true, data: newThing }
} catch(e) {
 return createActionError(e)
JohanHjelsethStorstad commented 6 months ago

I did think about this initially, but did not do it as I a) would like to have a common way of handling errors and b) I feel we are then sacrificing how clean the actions are going to be. The thing is that I really do not like the way we do it for prisma, ref the error part of #207. An option is obviously to move this try-catch wrapper out to the action leve, that is use the prismaCall function as a generalized "safeTryCatch" that returns a ActionReturn. so we would inside the action say

return await safeTryCatch(() => createThing(data))

But now this trycatch must address all errors both with prisma and other things.

JohanHjelsethStorstad commented 6 months ago

Just wondering: If we are to move part of zod-validation into the server-folder how would you for example then throw a zod-error. I like the return creaeZodActionError(parse) pattern, would you then just throw this object inside the server dir. for it to be caught in the action? - and now how does the try catch block or safeTryCatch block know that the error it has caught is already of type ActionReturn?

JohanHjelsethStorstad commented 6 months ago

We could create a custom error class and have the same error information in it as an action return error. Then we could simply have a function to parse this error from an error class to an action return error. Basically mirroring what we do with prisma.

For example inside an action:

try {
 const newThing = await createThing()

 return { success: true, data: newThing }
} catch(e) {
 return createActionError(e)

Didn't see the custom error part. If you do an Instance of check on custom error then I agree. But I still don't like try catch. And then we also scrap prismaCall and just use safeTryCatch that in the chech block matches Error instances with action returns of success false

JohanHjelsethStorstad commented 6 months ago

Or should call to prisma in /server errors be translated to custom errors so actions will do UNKNOWN ERROR on all errors no of custom type. Or should actions handle Prisma-errors itself?

Paulijuz commented 6 months ago

I don't really like the try catch pattern either. Especially not the way JavaScript does it. But i do like being able to throw errors since that simplifies how the error reaches the top.

When it comes to prisma errors maybe they can be left as is since I don't see what value we get if we simply wrap them.

Paulijuz commented 6 months ago

On the other hand by wrapping the prisma error we can tell what the error is for. If we went with the first approach then if you try to call a create action that calls some other create actions and one of them fails you'd only get what type of error it is and not which one of them failed.

Paulijuz commented 6 months ago

My suggestion:

export type ErrorCode =

export type ErrorMessage = {
    path?: (number | string)[],
    message: string,

export class ServerError extends Error {
    errorCode: ErrorCode;
    errors: ErrorMessage[];

    constructor(errorCode: ErrorCode, errors: string | ErrorMessage[]) {
        const parsed_errors = typeof errors === 'string'
            ? [{ message: errors }]
            : errors


        this.errorCode = errorCode
        this.errors = parsed_errors = "ServerError"
Paulijuz commented 6 months ago

Then the types for actions errors can be:

import { ErrorCode, ErrorMessage } from "@/server/error"

export type ActionReturnError = {
    success: false,
    errorCode: ErrorCode,
    error?: ErrorMessage[],

export type ActionReturn<ReturnType, DataGuarantee extends boolean = true> = (
) | {
    success: true,
} & (
    DataGuarantee extends true ? {
        data: ReturnType
    } : {
        data?: ReturnType
Paulijuz commented 6 months ago

You can check this out in the branch refactor/server-folder-and-error

I haven't refactored the functions to use this, just added the error class.