USER_PASS_DELIM: delimeter for USER_PASS_FILE seperating usernames from passwords (default '' should behave as a space char)
USERNAME & PASSWORD: Values for username or password. Support file: syntax to allow worldlists for usernames & passwords
DELAY: Time (seconds) between each password authentication attempt
FIREPROX_URL: (Optional) Override target auth endpoint with fireprox URL to enable source IP rotation
Module should conduct a password guessing / spraying / bruteforce attack against the Microsoft365 logon portal. Successful logons will be indicated with print_success(), logons indicating an MFA requirement will be noted with print_failure() and print_status(), regular auth failures should be noted with print_failure().
New module issue for microsoft/m365/util/microsoft365_login
Initial thoughts on required options:
Module should conduct a password guessing / spraying / bruteforce attack against the Microsoft365 logon portal. Successful logons will be indicated with print_success(), logons indicating an MFA requirement will be noted with print_failure() and print_status(), regular auth failures should be noted with print_failure().