Please provide the following information for your token.
Token Address: 0xFF3BC357600885aAA97506ea6e24fB21abA88fbD
Token Name (from contract): GOLD Coin
Token Decimals (from contract): 18
Token Symbol (from contract): GOLD Coin
Uniswap Exchange Address of Token: GOLD
Link to the official homepage of token:
Link to CoinMarketCap or CoinGecko page of token:
Some tokens (e.g. BNB) do not work with Uniswap v1. In order to assess if your token works correctly, please complete small-value transactions of each of the types below, and submit the Etherscan transaction links for our review.
Test addLiquidity transaction:
Test swap transaction:
Test removeLiquidity transaction:
Are you willing to add liquidity to the liquidity pool for this token? (Y/N):
If so, how much liquidity are you willing to add?:
Please provide the following information for your token.
Token Address: 0xFF3BC357600885aAA97506ea6e24fB21abA88fbD Token Name (from contract): GOLD Coin Token Decimals (from contract): 18 Token Symbol (from contract): GOLD Coin Uniswap Exchange Address of Token: GOLD
Link to the official homepage of token: Link to CoinMarketCap or CoinGecko page of token:
Some tokens (e.g. BNB) do not work with Uniswap v1. In order to assess if your token works correctly, please complete small-value transactions of each of the types below, and submit the Etherscan transaction links for our review. Test
transaction: Testswap
transaction: TestremoveLiquidity
transaction:Are you willing to add liquidity to the liquidity pool for this token? (Y/N): If so, how much liquidity are you willing to add?: