vexdev / amarr

aMule Torrent connector for Servarr
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Configuring amarr as a download client in radarr #90

Closed tdam2112 closed 1 month ago

tdam2112 commented 1 month ago

I'm a bit of a noob when it comes to these setups, so let me know if something doesn't make sense. I have amule, radarr and amarr running on docker (amule and amarr are under a gluetun vpn host_network) I followed the README instructions for the radarr setup:

When I test the connection I get the following error on radarr: Failed to get the list of torrents: Failed to connect to qBittorrent, check your settings.

Here are my amarr logs: amarr_logs.pdf Note: I tried testing 4 times, that's why the following pattern happens multiple times:

INFO  ktor.application - Getting download queue...
INFO  ktor.application - Reconnecting...
INFO  ktor.application - Authenticating...

however the error only shows up at the last attempt. here are the amule logs amule_logs.pdf, however, amule doesn't seem to respond to the radarr download client test.

vexdev commented 1 month ago

It looks like you have connectivity problems between amarr and amule, as well as between amarr and radarr. How do you configure your docker? Are you using docker compose? Please share your configuration.

tdam2112 commented 1 month ago

That might be it, I'm using gluetun as a vpn client, not sure if that affects it here is my docker compose: compose.pdf I've been using everything but amarr and amule for a long time, I'm trying to se these up at the same time however.

vexdev commented 1 month ago

As you're using network_mode: "service:gluetun" for both amarr and amule, both these services will share the same network. This means that from the perspective of amarr, the host of amule will simply be localhost, and that from the perspective of radarr, you need to connect through the port you are exposing from gluetun.

Two changes:

  1. in the docker-compose, change the host of amule to localhost:
    image: vexdev/amarr:latest
    container_name: amarr
    network_mode: "service:gluetun"
    - AMULE_HOST=localhost
  2. configure radarr to connect to the host gluetun port 8080. (or for the indexer the following url: http://gluetun:8080/indexer/amule)

This should improve things.

vexdev commented 1 month ago

Also a note, there's no need to run amarr in a vpn as there's no traffic generated by amarr to external services, but it should work either way.

tdam2112 commented 1 month ago

Hey, I found the problem, I switched AMULE-PORT to 4712 and it showed my AMULE_PASSWORD was wrong, turns out I had different passwords for the web UI and the service. Changing those fixed it for me.

vexdev commented 1 month ago

Great! Enjoy it