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CLI occasionally fails #1291

Closed mnaser closed 2 months ago

mnaser commented 3 months ago
failed: [instance] (item={'role': 'member', 'implies': 'load-balancer_member'}) => {"ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": false, "cmd": "set -o posix\nsource /etc/profile.d/\nopenstack implied role create  --implied-role load-balancer_member  member\n", "delta": "0:00:00.315367", "end": "2024-05-31 23:25:51.282635", "failed_when_result": true, "item": {"implies": "load-balancer_member", "role": "member"}, "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 1, "start": "2024-05-31 23:25:50.967268", "stderr": "time=\"2024-05-31T23:25:51Z\" level=fatal msg=\"container \\\"5975025a5f62c76e1f95be14ee258795344637bd0c08a386d35a41cb212ee6a3\\\" in namespace \\\"\\\": not found\"", "stderr_lines": ["time=\"2024-05-31T23:25:51Z\" level=fatal msg=\"container \\\"5975025a5f62c76e1f95be14ee258795344637bd0c08a386d35a41cb212ee6a3\\\" in namespace \\\"\\\": not found\""], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []}

I also noticed this when using the CLI on my side. Do you have any idea what this can be from @fitbeard ?

fitbeard commented 3 months ago

We are setting namespace here: Nerdctl expects this namespace and if kubernetes are not boostrapped this namespace is not there. Namespace can also be unset but then image layers pulled by containerd for kube will not be used because of different namespace. Did I answered to your question @mnaser ?

fitbeard commented 3 months ago

Personally I never had similar issue

mnaser commented 3 months ago

@fitbeard interesting, I see that error and the next run/refresh it'll be fine, so I wonder what's causing it. It's not an always thing but it seems to happen every now and then. 🤔

mnaser commented 3 months ago

CI failed here randomly again too on this:

fitbeard commented 3 months ago

Interesting why mentioned container is missing. Maybe containerd socket is killed earlier?

mnaser commented 3 months ago

Collecting more here:

We do grab the kubelet logs, I do wonder if kubelet its somehow racing and killing it at the same time or something.

mnaser commented 2 months ago

This is happening more and more, I'm going to have to introduce retries on the Ansible tasks to avoid the whole CI job to fail, but examples: