vexxhost / magnum-cluster-api

Cluster API driver for OpenStack Magnum
Apache License 2.0
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Neutron floating IP delete policy cause cluster to stuck in delete progress #371

Open satishdotpatel opened 1 month ago

satishdotpatel commented 1 month ago

Just creating this issue to have more eyeballs. I have a neutron policy which doesn't allow normal users to delete floating IPs.

"delete_floatingip": "(rule:admin_only)"

Now with this policy when I try to delete k8s cluster then it stuck in deleting stats because users not allow to delete floating IPs.

Following are capi logs.

I0402 01:50:03.412447 1 recorder.go:104] "events: Failed to delete floating IP 104.xx.xx.70: Request forbidden: [DELETE], error message: {\"NeutronError\": {\"type\": \"PolicyNotAuthorized\", \"message\": \"rule:delete_floatingip is disallowed by policy\", \"detail\": \"\"}}" type="Warning" object={"kind":"OpenStackMachine","namespace":"magnum-system","name":"kube-6aqje-csgft-nkz6s","uid":"97acabe1-e547-4bbc-8406-aebc563212cd","apiVersion":"","resourceVersion":"31170690"} reason="Faileddeletefloatingip"

I think capi or magnum api shouldn't delete floating IP instead release the floating IP to put it back to pool. Does mcapi or clusterapi support releasing IP instead delete?