vezaynk / Sitemap-Generator-Crawler

PHP script to recursively crawl websites and generate a sitemap. Zero dependencies.
MIT License
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Non-ascii urls fail to validate #57

Open mazux opened 6 years ago

mazux commented 6 years ago

On multi-languages websites, the links maybe in Franch or Romanian languages, so they want be registered because of this filtering process. The FILTER_VALIDATE_URL, as it defined on php manual website:

only find ASCII URLs to be valid; internationalized domain names (containing non-ASCII characters) will fail.

So, the sitemap will only contain the English links.

vezaynk commented 6 years ago

A temporary fix could be to remove that check as if the URL is not valid, the cURL should fail and not be added to the sitemap anyways.

francisek commented 6 years ago

A better way would be to url_encode path parts and convert url to punycode. I can pr something like this

vezaynk commented 6 years ago

I am having trouble identifying a source telling me that sitemaps can contain non-ascii characters.

The official specs say that it needs to be a valid URL without defining the RFC.

SignpostMarv commented 6 years ago

The official specs say that it needs to be a valid URL without defining the RFC.

Please check to make sure that your URLs follow the RFC-3986 standard for URIs, the RFC-3987 standard for IRIs, and the XML standard.

not 100% sure those are the relevant RFCs for your use-case ?

vezaynk commented 6 years ago

I can't read properly I guess. Yes those are relevant.

How do we know how to encode? It says to encode characters with whatever the server wants. Do we somehow retrieve the servers charset or is there something more universal?

ghost commented 6 years ago

Web server is not telling the encoding in http headers?

vezaynk commented 6 years ago

It probably does somewhere in the headers. My question was about something more universal which would work everywhere.

Otherwise it will be a game of trying to cover every encoding scheme in active use.

ghost commented 6 years ago

You can't predict or limit down encoding schemes. They can be freely set to whatever and passed in http-headers by specifying it in .htaccess

AddCharset UTF-8 .html

vezaynk commented 6 years ago

That charset is for document encoding, not URLs. They won't necessarily be the same.

ghost commented 6 years ago

IMHO URLs are part of the document so they are encoded with the same charset unless the page/site is completely broken.

vezaynk commented 6 years ago

They obviously are. I am not talking about the links in the document, I am talking about the links you are requesting from the server.

If you requestâ as utf-8 from a server that wants iso-xxxx, it will misread your request.

I may also be misunderstanding it myself.. I'm just a first year CS student.

francisek commented 6 years ago

IMO as the spec does not explicitly tells if the url can be raw UTF-8 or whatever else, it would be safest to use full encoded urls and have plain ASCII urls. The problem is not only present in path or query string, domains may contain extended characters. eg: http://müörhead would be encoded as

ghost commented 6 years ago

You should use the same encoding as the target page/website is using. By default, the url should be encoded with the same encoding as the originating page. This is how browsers work. I see no reason why spider should be any different from this. UTF-8 is fallback if the encoding is missing.

Check this out:

Personally I think that allowing anything else but plain ASCII in URLs is absolute madness...

vezaynk commented 6 years ago

You should use the same encoding as the target page/website is using.

That would be really ideal. However, there are many, many encoding schemes each of should be supported if that is the way forward.

IRI and IDN were a mistake and break everything.

Since utf-8 is the fallback and the defacto standard to encode everything these days when ascii is not enough, we could just use it for everything. Servers are smart enough to figure it out, right?

ghost commented 6 years ago

I am pretty sure if I configure my web server to accept and send ASCII only, UTF-8 will break the spider if it will enforce UTF-8 and I put some non-ASCII characters to URLs. This can be easily tested if you want, but as you said. UTF-8 with %-encoding for everything is the only universal sane option.

vezaynk commented 6 years ago

If you put unicode into a server which only accepts ascii, it breaks regardless of what you do.

For what needs to be done, in summary

Did I get it right?

ghost commented 6 years ago

I would simply do UTF-8 with % for everything except protocol and domain name, and IDNs with xn-- representation. If you mix multiple encoding in URL handling you will not be able to detect duplicates etc. properly.

vezaynk commented 6 years ago

In practice it comes down to the same thing. "a" will be "a" in both ascii and utf-8. International characters will be the only thing that will be dealt with with utf-8.