vfilimonov / pydatastream

Python interface to the Refinitiv Datastream (former Thomson Reuters Datastream)
MIT License
73 stars 31 forks source link

Python 3 compatibility? #3

Closed ceaza closed 8 years ago

ceaza commented 8 years ago

@ vfilimonov are you perhaps planning to do this at some stage?

vfilimonov commented 8 years ago

I would be happy to accept a PR, but I've never used Python 3 to do this and perform tests by myself

On 15 Mar 2016, at 08:54, ceaza notifications@github.com wrote:

@ vfilimonov are you perhaps planning to do this at some stage?

— You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread. Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub: https://github.com/vfilimonov/pydatastream/issues/3

ceaza commented 8 years ago

Hi Vladimir

Made some simple changes and seems to work in both 3.5 and 2.7. Python 3.5 dependency becomes suds-py3

All the example items you provide seem to work.

This statement in 3.5 causes warning but this seems to be a spyder issue: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30519487/pandas-error-invalid-value-encountered

Performing several requests at once

r1 = '@AAPL~OHLCV~2013-11-26~D'
r2 = 'U:MMM~=P,MV,PO~2013-11-26~D'
res = DWE.request_many([r1,r2])


/pydatastream.py:201: UserWarning: [DWE] FAILED: $$"ER", E100, INVALID CODE

OR EXPRESSION ENTERED, xxxxxx(PH) warnings.warn('[DWE] ' + status['StatusMessage']) /pydatastream.py:201: UserWarning: [DWE] FAILED: $$"ER", E100, INVALID CODE OR EXPRESSION ENTERED, S&PCOMP(P) warnings.warn('[DWE] ' + status['StatusMessage']) C:\Python35\WinPython-64bit-\python-3.5.1.amd64\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\format.py:2087: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in greater has_large_values = (abs_vals > 1e8).any() C:\Python35\WinPython-64bit-\python-3.5.1.amd64\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\format.py:2088: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in less has_small_values = ((abs_vals < 10 \ (-self.digits)) & C:\Python35\WinPython-64bit-\python-3.5.1.amd64\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\format.py:2089: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in greater (abs_vals > 0)).any()

Thanks for the package.


On Tue, Mar 15, 2016 at 4:20 PM, Vladimir Filimonov < notifications@github.com> wrote:

I would be happy to accept a PR, but I've never used Python 3 to do this and perform tests by myself

On 15 Mar 2016, at 08:54, ceaza notifications@github.com wrote:

@ vfilimonov are you perhaps planning to do this at some stage?

— You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread. Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub: https://github.com/vfilimonov/pydatastream/issues/3

— You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub: https://github.com/vfilimonov/pydatastream/issues/3#issuecomment-196842606

import pandas as pd import datetime as dt import warnings from suds.client import Client

TODO: RequestRecordAsXML is more efficient than RequestRecord as it does not return

datatypes for each value (thus response is ~2 times smaller)

WSDL_URL = 'http://dataworks.thomson.com/Dataworks/Enterprise/1.0/webserviceclient.asmx?WSDL'

class DatastreamException(Exception): pass

class Datastream: def init(self, username, password, url=WSDL_URL): """Creating connection to the Thomson Reuters Dataworks Enterprise (DWE) server (former Thomson Reuters Datastream). """ self.client = Client(url, username=username, password=password)

    self.show_request = False   # If True then request string will be printed
    self.last_status = None     # Will contain status of last request
    self.raise_on_error = True  # if True then error request will raise, otherwise
                                # either empty dataframe or partially retrieved
                                # data will be returned

    # Trying to connect
        self.ver = self.version()
        raise DatastreamException('Can not retrieve the data')

    # Creating UserData object
    self.userdata = self.client.factory.create('UserData')
    self.userdata.Username = username
    self.userdata.Password = password

    # Check available data sources
    if 'Datastream' not in self.sources():
        warnings.warn("'Datastream' source is not available for given subscription!")

def info():
    print('Datastream Navigator:')
    print('Datastream documentation:')
    print('Dataworks Enterprise documentation:')
    print('Thomson Reuters Datastream support:')

def version(self):
    """Return version of the TR DWE."""
    res = self.client.service.Version()
    return '.'.join([str(x) for x in res[0]])

def system_info(self):
    """Return system information."""
    res = self.client.service.SystemInfo()
    res = {str(x[0]): x[1] for x in res[0]}

    to_str = lambda arr: '.'.join([str(x) for x in arr[0]])
    res['OSVersion'] = to_str(res['OSVersion'])
    res['RuntimeVersion'] = to_str(res['RuntimeVersion'])
    res['Version'] = to_str(res['Version'])

    res['Name'] = str(res['Name'])
    res['Server'] = str(res['Server'])
    res['LocalNameCheck'] = str(res['LocalNameCheck'])
    res['UserHostAddress'] = str(res['UserHostAddress'])

    return res

def sources(self):
    """Return available sources of data."""
    res = self.client.service.Sources(self.userdata, 0)
    return [str(x[0]) for x in res[0]]

def request(self, query, source='Datastream',
            fields=None, options=None, symbol_set=None, tag=None):
    """General function to retrieve one record in raw format.

       query - query string for DWE system. This may be a simple instrument name
               or more complicated request. Refer to the documentation for the
       source - The name of datasource (default: "Datastream")
       fields - Fields to be retrieved (used when the requester does not want all
                fields to be delivered).
       options - Options for specific data source. Many of datasources do not require
                 opptions string. Refer to the documentation of the specific
                 datasource for allowed syntax.
       symbol_set - The symbol set used inside the instrument (used for mapping
                    identifiers within the request. Refer to the documentation for
                    the details.
       tag - User-defined cookie that can be used to match up requests and response.
             It will be returned back in the response. The string should not be
             longer than 256 characters.
    if self.show_request:
        print('Request:', query)

    rd = self.client.factory.create('RequestData')
    rd.Source = source
    rd.Instrument = query
    if fields is not None:
        rd.Fields = self.client.factory.create('ArrayOfString')
        rd.Fields.string = fields
    rd.SymbolSet = symbol_set
    rd.Options = options
    rd.Tag = tag

    return self.client.service.RequestRecord(self.userdata, rd, 0)

def request_many(self, queries, source='Datastream',
                 fields=None, options=None, symbol_set=None, tag=None):
    """General function to retrieve one record in raw format.

       query - list of query strings for DWE system.
       source - The name of datasource (default: "Datastream")
       fields - Fields to be retrieved (used when the requester does not want all
                fields to be delivered).
       options - Options for specific data source. Many of datasources do not require
                 opptions string. Refer to the documentation of the specific
                 datasource for allowed syntax.
       symbol_set - The symbol set used inside the instrument (used for mapping
                    identifiers within the request. Refer to the documentation for
                    the details.
       tag - User-defined cookie that can be used to match up requests and response.
             It will be returned back in the response. The string should not be
             longer than 256 characters.
       NB! source, options, symbol_set and tag are assumed to be identical for all
           requests in the list
    if self.show_request:
        print('Requests:', queries)

    if not isinstance(queries, list):
        queries = [queries]

    req = self.client.factory.create('ArrayOfRequestData')
    req.RequestData = []
    for q in queries:
        rd = self.client.factory.create('RequestData')
        rd.Source = source
        rd.Instrument = q
        if fields is not None:
            rd.Fields = self.client.factory.create('ArrayOfString')
            rd.Fields.string = fields
        rd.SymbolSet = symbol_set
        rd.Options = options
        rd.Tag = tag


    return self.client.service.RequestRecords(self.userdata, req, 0)[0]

def status(self, record=None):
    """Extract status from the retrieved data and save it as a property of an object.
       If record with data is not specified then the status of previous operation is

       status - dictionary with data source, string with request and status type,
                code and message.

       status['StatusType']: 'Connected' - the data is fine
                             'Stale'     - the source is unavailable. It may be
                                           worthwhile to try again later
                             'Failure'   - data could not be obtained (e.g. the
                                           instrument is incorrect)
                             'Pending'   - for internal use only
       status['StatusCode']: 0 - 'No Error'
                             1 - 'Disconnected'
                             2 - 'Source Fault'
                             3 - 'Network Fault'
                             4 - 'Access Denied' (user does not have permissions)
                             5 - 'No Such Item' (no instrument with given name)
                             11 - 'Blocking Timeout'
                             12 - 'Internal'
    if record is not None:
        self.last_status = {'Source': str(record['Source']),
                            'StatusType': str(record['StatusType']),
                            'StatusCode': record['StatusCode'],
                            'StatusMessage': str(record['StatusMessage']),
                            'Request': str(record['Instrument'])}
    return self.last_status

def _test_status_and_warn(self):
    """Test status of last request and post warning if necessary.
    status = self.last_status
    if status['StatusType'] != 'Connected':
        if isinstance(status['StatusMessage'], (str)):
            warnings.warn('[DWE] ' + status['StatusMessage'])
        elif isinstance(status['StatusMessage'], list):
            warnings.warn('[DWE] ' + ';'.join(status['StatusMessage']))

def extract_data(raw):
    """Extracts data from the raw response and returns it as a dictionary."""
    return {x[0]: x[1] for x in raw['Fields'][0]}

def parse_record(self, raw, indx=0):
    """Parse raw data (that is retrieved by "request") and return pandas.DataFrame.
       Returns tuple (data, metadata)

       data - pandas.DataFrame with retrieved data.
       metadata - pandas.DataFrame with info about symbol, currency, frequency,
                  displayname and status of given request
    suffix = '' if indx == 0 else '_%i' % (indx+1)

    # Parsing status
    status = self.status(raw)

    # Testing if no errors
    if status['StatusType'] != 'Connected':
        if self.raise_on_error:
            raise DatastreamException('%s (error %i): %s --> "%s"' %
                                      (status['StatusType'], status['StatusCode'],
                                       status['StatusMessage'], status['Request']))
            return pd.DataFrame(), {}

    record = self.extract_data(raw)
    get_field = lambda fldname: record[fldname+suffix]

        error = get_field('INSTERROR')
        if self.raise_on_error:
            raise DatastreamException('Error: %s --> "%s"' %
                                      (error, status['Request']))
            self.last_status['StatusMessage'] = error
            self.last_status['StatusType'] = 'INSTERROR'
            metadata = {'Frequency': '', 'Currency': '', 'DisplayName': '',
                        'Symbol': '', 'Status': error}
    except KeyError:
        # Parsing metadata of the symbol
        # NB! currency might be returned as symbol thus "unicode" should be used
        metadata = {'Frequency': str(get_field('FREQUENCY')),
                    'Currency': str(get_field('CCY')),
                    'DisplayName': str(get_field('DISPNAME')),
                    'Symbol': str(get_field('SYMBOL')),
                    'Status': 'OK'}

    # Fields with data
    if suffix == '':
        fields = [str(x) for x in record if '_' not in x]
        fields = [str(x) for x in record if suffix in x]

    # Filter metadata
    meta_fields = ['CCY', 'DISPNAME', 'FREQUENCY', 'SYMBOL', 'DATE', 'INSTERROR']
    fields = [x.replace(suffix, '') for x in fields
              if not any([y in x for y in meta_fields])]

    if 'DATE'+suffix in record:
        date = record['DATE'+suffix]
    elif 'DATE' in record:
        date = record['DATE']
        date = None

    if len(fields) > 0 and date is not None:
        # Check if we have a single value or a series
        if isinstance(date, dt.datetime):
            data = pd.DataFrame({x: [get_field(x)] for x in fields},
            data = pd.DataFrame({x: get_field(x)[0] for x in fields},
        data = pd.DataFrame()

    metadata = pd.DataFrame(metadata, index=[indx])
    metadata = metadata[['Symbol', 'DisplayName', 'Currency', 'Frequency', 'Status']]
    return data, metadata

def parse_record_static(self, raw):
    """Parse raw data (that is retrieved by static request) and return pandas.DataFrame.
       Returns tuple (data, metadata)

       data - pandas.DataFrame with retrieved data.
       metadata - pandas.DataFrame with info about symbol, currency, frequency,
                  displayname and status of given request
    # Parsing status
    status = self.status(raw)

    # Testing if no errors
    if status['StatusType'] != 'Connected':
        if self.raise_on_error:
            raise DatastreamException('%s (error %i): %s --> "%s"' %
                                      (status['StatusType'], status['StatusCode'],
                                       status['StatusMessage'], status['Request']))
            return pd.DataFrame(), {}

    # Convert record to dict
    record = self.extract_data(raw)

        error = record['INSTERROR']
        if self.raise_on_error:
            raise DatastreamException('Error: %s --> "%s"' %
                                      (error, status['Request']))
            self.last_status['StatusMessage'] = error
            self.last_status['StatusType'] = 'INSTERROR'
            return pd.DataFrame(), {'Status': error, 'Date': None}
    except KeyError:
        metadata = {'Status': 'OK', 'Date': ''}

    # All fields that are available
    fields = [x for x in record if '_' not in x]
    metadata['Date'] = record['DATE']

    # Number of elements
    num = len([x[0] for x in record if 'SYMBOL' in x])

    # field naming 'CCY', 'CCY_2', 'CCY_3', ...
    fld_name = lambda field, indx: field if indx == 0 else field + '_%i' % (indx+1)

    # Construct pd.DataFrame
    res = pd.DataFrame({fld: [record[fld_name(fld, ind)]
                              if fld_name(fld, ind) in record else ''
                              for ind in range(num)]
                        for fld in fields})
    return res, metadata

def construct_request(ticker, fields=None, date=None,
                      date_from=None, date_to=None, freq=None):
    """Construct a request string for querying TR DWE.

       tickers - ticker or symbol
       fields  - list of fields.
       date    - date for a single-date query
       date_from, date_to - date range (used only if "date" is not specified)
       freq    - frequency of data: daily('D'), weekly('W') or monthly('M')
                 Use here 'REP' for static requests

       Some of available fields:
       P  - adjusted closing price
       PO - opening price
       PH - high price
       PL - low price
       VO - volume, which is expressed in 1000's of shares.
       UP - unadjusted price
       OI - open interest

       MV - market value
       EPS - earnings per share
       DI - dividend index
       MTVB - market to book value
       PTVB - price to book value

       The full list of data fields is available at http://dtg.tfn.com/.
    if isinstance(ticker, list):
        request = ','.join(ticker)
        request = ticker
    if fields is not None:
        if isinstance(fields, (str)):
            request += '~=' + fields
        elif isinstance(fields, list) and len(fields) > 0:
            request += '~=' + ','.join(fields)
    if date is not None:
        request += '~@' + pd.to_datetime(date).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
        if date_from is not None:
            request += '~' + pd.to_datetime(date_from).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
        if date_to is not None:
            request += '~:' + pd.to_datetime(date_to).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
    if freq is not None:
        request += '~' + freq
    return request

def fetch(self, tickers, fields=None, date=None, date_from=None, date_to=None,
          freq='D', only_data=True, static=False):
    """Fetch data from TR DWE.

       tickers - ticker or list of tickers
       fields  - list of fields.
       date    - date for a single-date query
       date_from, date_to - date range (used only if "date" is not specified)
       freq    - frequency of data: daily('D'), weekly('W') or monthly('M')
       only_data - if True then metadata will not be returned
       static  - if True "static" request is created (i.e. not a series).
                 In this case 'date_from', 'date_to' and 'freq' are ignored

       NB! in case list of tickers is requested, pandas.Panel is returned.

       Some of available fields:
       P  - adjusted closing price
       PO - opening price
       PH - high price
       PL - low price
       VO - volume, which is expressed in 1000's of shares.
       UP - unadjusted price
       OI - open interest

       MV - market value
       EPS - earnings per share
       DI - dividend index
       MTVB - market to book value
       PTVB - price to book value

       The full list of data fields is available at http://dtg.tfn.com/.
    if static:
        query = self.construct_request(tickers, fields, date, freq='REP')
        query = self.construct_request(tickers, fields, date, date_from, date_to, freq)

    raw = self.request(query)

    if static:
        data, metadata = self.parse_record_static(raw)
    elif isinstance(tickers, (str)) or len(tickers) == 1:
        data, metadata = self.parse_record(raw)
    elif isinstance(tickers, list):
        metadata = pd.DataFrame()
        data = {}
        for indx in range(len(tickers)):
            dat, meta = self.parse_record(raw, indx)
            data[tickers[indx]] = dat
            metadata = metadata.append(meta, ignore_index=False)

        data = pd.Panel(data).swapaxes('items', 'minor')
        raise DatastreamException(('First argument should be either ticker or '
                                   'list of tickers'))

    if only_data:
        return data
        return data, metadata

def get_OHLCV(self, ticker, date=None, date_from=None, date_to=None):
    """Get Open, High, Low, Close prices and daily Volume for a given ticker.

       ticker  - ticker or symbol
       date    - date for a single-date query
       date_from, date_to - date range (used only if "date" is not specified)

       Returns pandas.Dataframe with data. If error occurs, then it is printed as
       a warning.
    data, meta = self.fetch(ticker + "~OHLCV", None, date,
                            date_from, date_to, 'D', only_data=False)
    return data

def get_OHLC(self, ticker, date=None, date_from=None, date_to=None):
    """Get Open, High, Low and Close prices for a given ticker.

       ticker  - ticker or symbol
       date    - date for a single-date query
       date_from, date_to - date range (used only if "date" is not specified)

       Returns pandas.Dataframe with data. If error occurs, then it is printed as
       a warning.
    data, meta = self.fetch(ticker + "~OHLC", None, date,
                            date_from, date_to, 'D', only_data=False)
    return data

def get_price(self, ticker, date=None, date_from=None, date_to=None):
    """Get Close price for a given ticker.

       ticker  - ticker or symbol
       date    - date for a single-date query
       date_from, date_to - date range (used only if "date" is not specified)

       Returns pandas.Dataframe with data. If error occurs, then it is printed as
       a warning.
    data, meta = self.fetch(ticker, None, date,
                            date_from, date_to, 'D', only_data=False)
    return data

def get_constituents(self, index_ticker, date=None, return_raw=False):
    """ Get a list of all constituents of a given index.

        index_ticker - Datastream ticker for index
        date         - date for which list should be retrieved (if None then
                       list of present constituents is retrieved)
        return_raw   - Method does not parse the response to pd.DataFrame format
                       and returns the raw dict (for debugging purposes)
    if date is not None:
        str_date = pd.to_datetime(date).strftime('%m%y')
        str_date = ''
    # Note: ~XREF is equal to the following large request
    query = 'L' + index_ticker + str_date + '~XREF'
    raw = self.request(query)

    if return_raw:
        return self.extract_data(raw)

    res, metadata = self.parse_record_static(raw)
    return res

if name == "main": DWE = Datastream(username="", password="")



data = DWE.get_price('@AAPL', date='2000-05-03')
data = DWE.get_price('@AAPL', date_from='2008', date_to='2009')
print(data.resample('M', how='last'))
data = DWE.get_OHLCV('@AAPL', date_from='2008', date_to='2009')
data = DWE.get_OHLC('S&PCOMP', date_from='May 6, 2010')
data = DWE.fetch('@AAPL', ['P','MV','VO',], date_from='2000-01-01')

Requesting several tickers at once

res = DWE.fetch(['@AAPL','U:MMM'], fields=['P','MV','VO','PH'], date_from='2000-05-03')
DWE.raise_on_error = False
res = DWE.fetch(['@AAPL','U:MMM','xxxxxx','S&PCOMP'], fields=['P','MV','VO','PH'], date_from='2000-05-03')


Constituents list for indices

res = DWE.get_constituents('S&PCOMP')
res = DWE.get_constituents('S&PCOMP', '1-sept-2013')

Static requests

res = DWE.fetch(['D:BAS','D:BASX','HN:BAS','I:BAF','BFA','@BFFAF','S:BAS'], 
                ['ISIN', 'ISINID', 'NAME'], static=True)
res = DWE.fetch(['D:BAS','D:BASX','HN:BAS','I:BAF','BFA','@BFFAF','S:BAS'], 
                ['P', 'MV', 'VO'], static=True)

Using custom requests

raw = DWE.request('@AAPL~=P,MV,VO,PH~2013-01-01~D')

data = DWE.extract_data(raw)

Get performance information of a particular stock

res = DWE.fetch('@AAPL~PERF', date_from='2011-09-01')

Get some reference information on a security with "~XREF", including ISIN, industry, etc.

res = DWE.request('U:IBM~XREF')

Convert the currency e.g. to Euro with "~~EUR"

res = DWE.fetch('U:IBM(P)~~EUR', date_from='2013-09-01')

Calculate moving average on 20 days

res = DWE.fetch('MAV#(U:IBM,20D)', date_from='2013-09-01')

Performing several requests at once

r1 = '@AAPL~OHLCV~2013-11-26~D'
r2 = 'U:MMM~=P,MV,PO~2013-11-26~D'
res = DWE.request_many([r1,r2])

ceaza commented 8 years ago

PR is submitted, my first ever so hope all ok.

vfilimonov commented 8 years ago

Thanks a lot!

vfilimonov commented 8 years ago

BTW, I've seen some commits ([1], [2]) that just correct typos in the previous one.

A good practice here is not to multiply unnecessary entries, but to "amend" a previous one - effectively rewriting it (which will work fine if someone has not pulled it after you have pushed it to remote, for local branches/repos it is rather safe). Here's how you can do this in command line. I'm using SourceTree where it is just a checkbox when you commit.

ceaza commented 8 years ago

Sorry about typos and thanks for the tips.

On Thu, Mar 17, 2016 at 12:29 AM, Vladimir Filimonov < notifications@github.com> wrote:

BTW, I've seen some commits ([1] https://github.com/vfilimonov/pydatastream/pull/4/commits/66b3817dd91e36c0450c547148fa71848fb68374, [2] https://github.com/vfilimonov/pydatastream/pull/4/commits/4baba04841676837b1524f3cee5547b187559c75) that just correct typos in the previous one.

A good practice here is not to multiply unnecessary entries, but to "amend" a previous one - effectively rewriting it (which will work fine if someone has not pulled it after you have pushed it to remote, for local branches/repos it is rather safe). Here's how you can do this in command line https://nathanhoad.net/git-amend-your-last-commit. I'm using SourceTree https://www.atlassian.com/software/sourcetree/overview/ where it is just a checkbox when you commit.

— You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/vfilimonov/pydatastream/issues/3#issuecomment-197585653