vfremaux / moodle-mod_flashcard

A mpdule providing a memoizong helper activity using Leitner model
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Cron processing failing because flashcard delete_data_for_all_users_in_context() function incompatible with Moodle core function #19

Open logan-reynolds opened 5 years ago

logan-reynolds commented 5 years ago

Seems this is likely duplicating contrib bug already filed at https://tracker.moodle.org/browse/CONTRIB-7646 - however I wanted to put this issue on GitHub to make sure it's noticed, since it breaks further cron processing when it's encountered, and therefore is something we're hoping to get resolved soon for clients that use mod_flashcard. Problem is that using latest Moodle 3.5 version 2019011000 of mod_flashcard when cron task tool_dataprivacy\task\initiate_data_request_task is run it fails at mod_flashcard because of the following error:

PHP Fatal error: Declaration of mod_flashcard\privacy\provider::delete_data_for_all_users_in_context(core_privacy\local\request\deletion_criteria $criteria) must be compatible with core_privacy\local\request\core_user_data_provider::delete_data_for_all_users_in_context(context $context) in /mnt/code/www/moodle_prod/mod/flashcard/classes/privacy/provider.php on line 28

This causes subsequent cron tasks to be skipped and is causing large numbers of "deletion in progress" error on the client's site, as well as preventing their cron run from ever finishing.