Closed UnknownAPI closed 1 month ago
There's no direct support for it, you have to call the appropriate methods in order to iterate through it (there many, just take a look at the class to find what inspires you the most).
Remember to get the field value, first:
var list_field = example_class.field("ListField").value```
Thank you for your fast answer! After a while of testings on my end I found a pretty generic solution that may be re used by people out there.
import "frida-il2cpp-bridge";
Il2Cpp.perform(() => {
const AsemblyCSharp = Il2Cpp.domain.assembly("Assembly-CSharp").image;
const example_class = AsemblyCSharp.class("ExampleClass");
var example_field = TLSClient.field("ExampleField").value
var example_field_obj = example_field as Il2Cpp.Object
var size = example_field_obj.method("get_Count").invoke()
var size_int = size as number
for (let i = 0; i < size_int; i++){
There are probably cleaner implementations for this but it does the job for me.
Is there support for iterating over a field of this type? When I access the field it only has a "handle" value.
I'm trying to iterate over list_field which is a List of String in Csharp