Open UnknownAPI opened 1 month ago
Hello I have the same problem on my side
toString() {
return this.isNull() ? "null" : this.method("ToString", 0).invoke().content ?? "null";
return "Failed to get value"
Replacing Il2Cpp.Object's toString() method with this does prevent the error. It is obviously a cheap hack, I'm hoping a cleaner fix will come in future versions.
toString() { try{ return this.isNull() ? "null" : this.method("ToString", 0).invoke().content ?? "null"; } finally{ return "Failed to get value" } }
Replacing Il2Cpp.Object's toString() method with this does prevent the error. It is obviously a cheap hack, I'm hoping a cleaner fix will come in future versions.
@UnknownAPI that makes sense, I think you should contribute a PR for this.
@UnknownAPI Thanks for reporting - we need to investigate this a little further I think. It's unusual that attempting to get ToString
throws an access violation, it's probably due to something else...
What are the app name and platform?
(PS: we definitely need to attach some context when exception occurs! So that we know that tryMethod("ToString")
caused the Error: access violation accessing 0x132
@vfsfitvnm I encountered the exception when tracing Assembly-CSharp on Avakin Life on android. Here's some code you can try to reproduce the exception
import "frida-il2cpp-bridge";
Il2Cpp.perform(() => {
not much unrelated but think it still count as tracer issue , wouldnt this fail if return value is 0x0?
on that game
0x0 System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current <InitialiseHelpshift>d__31 System.Object false true
console.warn(returnValue,,,method.returnType,(returnValue == void 0),returnValue == 0x0)
class HelpshiftHandler.<InitialiseHelpshift>d__31 : System.Object, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator<System.Object>, System.Collections.IEnumerator, System.IDisposable
System.Int32 <>1__state; // 0x8
System.Object <>2__current; // 0xc
HelpshiftHandler <>4__this; // 0x10
System.Void .ctor(System.Int32 <>1__state); // 0x0220ffa4
System.Void System.IDisposable.Dispose(); // 0x0220ffc0
System.Boolean MoveNext(); // 0x0220ffc4
System.Object System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator<System.Object>.get_Current(); // 0x022105dc
System.Void System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset(); // 0x022105e4
System.Object System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current(); // 0x02210630
When tracing specific assemblies (or all at once) with parameters to true I get an access violation error.
my code:
error with stack trace trace:
Is there some way to ignore parameters that cause this access violation or to prevent it at all?