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Tightened Volcano Room Heat Frames #1500

Closed Altiia closed 5 months ago

Altiia commented 5 months ago

Took a full second off Base (best time is exactly 7 seconds), and nearly a second off space jump (best time 6seconds 42 frames) However I could not get the additional time for not mockballing below 34 frames. Taking 40 frames for the runway was accurate.

osse101 commented 5 months ago

My best spacejump time with mockball is 7:02 =422frames just mockball 7:14=434 frames spacejump no mockball ~~ 7:44=464 frames only morph ~~8=480frames

Are you starting with no momentum and only using the listed items?

There are also a lot of tiny things you can do to save frames in this room and that doesn't break apart well with many little strats; like skipping the middle platform, climbing with hijump, or breaking only half of the shot blocks. It probably can all be caught under heatFrameLeniency.

A new strat with comeInRunning can be added to jump straight to the morph tunnel.

And technically every [2, 1] strat should have a duplicate version for LeavesWithRunway

osse101 commented 5 months ago

I got my spacejump mockball time down to 6:35 so there's actually just a lot of frames I had to save.

Altiia commented 5 months ago

i'm pretty impressed space jump mockball got down to 6:35, i knew i wasn't perfect but damn thats some extra time. I didn't think about skipping middle platform, but i guess thats why speedrunning is a community effort. I did break half the shot blocks for cleaner climb.

It took me more than a couple hours to get the times that low, a good reminder that theres a lot of basic movement i need to clean up.