vgarciasc / CRO_DT_RL

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Getting ValueError when trying to run cro_dt_rl #2

Closed Duke02 closed 2 months ago

Duke02 commented 2 months ago

Running CRO DT RL with python -m cro_dt_rl.cro_dt_rl -t mountain_car -e 5 -c configs/simple_erl_2.json -s 5 -d 4 --alpha 1 Have also tried this with cartpole.

Getting this error: ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence. The requested array has an inhomogeneous shape after 1 dimensions. The detected shape was (2,) + inhomogeneous part.

I will say, I replaced gym with gymnasium (the more up to date and actually maintained version of OpenAI's gym). If I should just switch back to gym, that's fine with me.

Duke02 commented 2 months ago

Replacing gymnasium with gym fixed it, shocking what happens when you follow the original specifications for a project.

Below is my working Anaconda YAML file. It does not include the pip packages (lost that information during setup) but I believe if you compare it to the packages listed in erltrees' requirements.txt, you'll be able to find what's missing and what should be installed with pip.

name: CRO_DT_RL
  - defaults
  - absl-py
  - alembic
  - astunparse
  - blinker
  - box2d-py
  - cachetools
  - certifi
  - chardet
  - click
  - cloudpickle
  - cmaes
  - cmake
  - colorama
  - colorlog
  - contourpy
  - cryptography
  - cycler
  - dbus-python
  - distro
  - entrypoints
  - filelock
  - flatbuffers
  - fonttools
  - gast
  - google-auth
  - google-auth-oauthlib
  - google-pasta
  - graphviz
  - greenlet
  - grpcio
  - h5py
  - httplib2
  - idna
  - importlib-metadata
  - importlib-resources
  - jax
  - jinja2
  - joblib
  - keras
  - keyring
  - kiwisolver
  - libclang
  - lit
  - llvmlite
  - mako
  - markdown
  - markdown-it-py
  - markupsafe
  - matplotlib
  - mdurl
  - mpmath
  - netifaces
  - networkx
  - numba
  - numpy
  - oauthlib
  - olefile
  - opt-einsum
  - optuna
  - packaging
  - pandas
  - pexpect
  - pillow
  - pip
  - protobuf
  - psutil
  - pyasn1
  - pyasn1-modules
  - pycairo
  - pycups
  - pydot
  - pydotplus
  - pyglet
  - pygments
  - pygobject
  - pyjwt
  - pynacl
  - pyparsing
  - pyproj
  - pyrfc3339
  - python
  - python-dateutil
  - python-debian
  - pytz
  - pyxdg
  - pyyaml
  - pyzmq
  - reportlab
  - requests
  - requests-oauthlib
  - requests-unixsocket
  - rich
  - rsa
  - rtree
  - scikit-learn
  - scipy
  - seaborn
  - secretstorage
  - simplejson
  - six
  - sqlalchemy
  - stable-baselines3
  - swig
  - sympy
  - tensorboard
  - tensorboard-data-server
  - tensorboard-plugin-wit
  - tensorflow
  - tensorflow-estimator
  - termcolor
  - threadpoolctl
  - tk
  - tqdm
  - triton
  - typing_extensions
  - tzdata
  - urllib3
  - werkzeug
  - wrapt
  - zipp
prefix: /home/conda/cro_dt_rl