TRegExpr class library
Delphi Regular Expressions
Copyright (c) 1999-2004 Andrey V. Sorokin, St.Petersburg, Russia
You may use this software in any kind of development,
including comercial, redistribute, and modify it freely,
under the following restrictions :
1. This software is provided as it is, without any kind of
warranty given. Use it at Your own risk.The author is not
responsible for any consequences of use of this software.
2. The origin of this software may not be mispresented, You
must not claim that You wrote the original software. If
You use this software in any kind of product, it would be
appreciated that there in a information box, or in the
documentation would be an acknowledgement like
Partial Copyright (c) 2004 Andrey V. Sorokin
3. You may not have any income from distributing this source
(or altered version of it) to other developers. When You
use this product in a comercial package, the source may
not be charged seperatly.
4. Altered versions must be plainly marked as such, and must
not be misrepresented as being the original software.
5. RegExp Studio application and all the visual components as
well as documentation is not part of the TRegExpr library
and is not free for usage.
The clause 3 puts additional restrictions over the BSD-like license of clauses 1 and 2. The LICENSE in the project root tells that the project is GPLv3-licensed. These two facts are mutually exclusive - so what is the actual project license?
https://github.com/vgiv/yo/blob/ade3241a4e078bca1e070541ca9a20699aa43bae/src/RegExpr.pas has this copyright clause:
The clause 3 puts additional restrictions over the BSD-like license of clauses 1 and 2. The
in the project root tells that the project is GPLv3-licensed. These two facts are mutually exclusive - so what is the actual project license?