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Weekly Meetup 13-12-2020 #9

Open vigneshkannan255 opened 3 years ago

vigneshkannan255 commented 3 years ago

Dear all,

We have our Virtual Weekly Meet up - 8, on coming Sunday.

Hundreds of Iranians have reportedly died and more than 1000 fallen ill after consuming methanol amid false rumours that it can help cure the coronavirus.

Yes, it is completely a false news. According to the research, drinking methanol or alcohol won't prevent from Coronavirus.

People are believing just about anything and everything they are coming across on the internet.

Because of this, we are here to give you a precious solution, Which is nothing but "Fact Checking".

Coming sunday (Dec 13, 2020) we are going to conduct a session on Fact Checking.

Agenda: Confirmation of information (Fact checking & Critical thinking)

Date : Dec 13, 2020 Timing : 10 AM - 12 PM

Meeting link :

Come with confusions and go with solutions!

Cheers, VGLUG
