vgrem / Office365-REST-Python-Client

Microsoft 365 & Microsoft Graph Library for Python
MIT License
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Improved Functionality for WebParts #135

Open kristian-huber opened 4 years ago

kristian-huber commented 4 years ago

I found this C# code that I want to implement:


The code checks out until I get to these lines (specifically the last one because there is no .web_parts):

testpage=glbl_ctx.web.get_file_by_server_relative_url("siteurl") lwpm = testpage.get_limited_webpart_manager(1) webparts = lwpm.web_parts

Can you add this functionality to the library?

vgrem commented 4 years ago


Indeed client counterpart LimitedWebPartManager class is not yet supported via sdk.

But based on your previous question i believe what you are actually looking for is called Client-side web parts are client-side components.

And this is a different beast which was introduced for modern client side page, while LimitedWebPartManager class is intended for SharePoint classic page. Here is an important excerpt from SharePoint classic and modern experiences page:

Web parts Modern pages use modern web parts. Modern web parts are designed to be easier to use, to be faster, and to look great. With modern web parts, there is no need to employ any code. It is important to note that, for security reasons, modern web parts do not allow for the insertion of code like JScript. It is also important to know that classic web parts cannot be used on modern pages, and modern web parts cannot be used on classic pages (unless a developer creates a custom web part that is designed to be used on a classic page)

The support for modern pages (similar to ClientSidePage Class functionality from PnP) is in progress now.

With regards, Vadim