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Protection from low pressure is retarded (and so are firesuits) #14102

Open SonixApache opened 7 years ago

SonixApache commented 7 years ago

Description of issue

Suits are designed to protect against 'pressure', but there's no discrimination between low or high pressure.

If a suit has a pressure protection of one atmosphere (101.325), it provides 100% protection from space. Any number below that provides 0% protection from space.

This is why firesuits are 100% viable space suits; they protect enough from thermal loss to allow you to spend pretty much infinite time in space, and since they protect up to 3*ONE_ATMOSPHERE you can go through the vacuum of space with no problem.

Server revision


SonixApache commented 7 years ago

Should re-write pressure protection to treat lower pressures exponentially rather than 1:1 by the numbers.