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Bombs are bugged. #1683

Closed eniine closed 9 years ago

eniine commented 9 years ago

I play as a scientist often enough, and I do Toxins research often enough, not to mention the times I do get antag I prefer to be a man of plasma and oxygen.

But, there's been a problem, following all of the usual steps to make a bomb has turned up less then usual results. Basically, I take all of the steps to make a bomb, I've changed nothing. I take two cans of plasma and one of oxygen, mix them together. Take one and hook it up to the mixer room pipe, and start to burn the gas. You know, the NORMAL STEPS. To make a bomb hotgas, plasma tanks, oxygen tanks. Fill the plasma tank with hotgas, fill the oxygen tank with chilled or room temperature oxygen.

Only now, the "bomb" barely does enough to put a 1x1 hole at the bombrange. It comes up at 0,1,3 while WELDER TANK EXPLOSIONS rate at 1,2,4.

Something changed and now bombs aren't working as they should. I'd like something to be done about it. I'm thinking the new "fuel" fixes for plasma have somehow fucked with bombs.

osaifh commented 9 years ago

I can confirm this

d3athrow commented 9 years ago

I'm thinking the new "fuel" fixes for plasma have somehow fucked with bombs.


ghost commented 9 years ago

Bombs work fine, you're just going through the motions and not reading what you're putting into the tanks. I think where you're screwing up is that the vacuum floor or something else is cutting off a lot of the energy your mix would normally have and since you aren't adjusting by going pure or in-tanks with heat exchangers or thermal plate/H/E pipes you're just pissing lukewarm CO2 into your tank then wondering why you have shit explosives.

tl;dr, look at what you're actually putting in your tanks instead of going all techpriest on us.

15 dev bhangmeter

If you want specific help share your exact details something to the effect of

1 Oxy 2 Plas Chilled mix - Pressure: 1292.1 kPaNitrogen: 0%Oxygen: 100%CO2: 0%Plasma: 0%Temperature: -88°C O2 Tank - Pressure: 1013.3 kPaNitrogen: 0%Oxygen: 100%CO2: 0%Plasma: 0%Temperature: -88°C Hot Plasma - Pressure: 63557.4 kPaNitrogen: 0%Oxygen: 0%CO2: 0%Plasma: 99%Temperature: 7828°C

The bhangmeter states coldly, "Explosive disturbance detected - Epicenter at: grid (228,104). [Theoretical Results] Epicenter radius: 10. Outer radius: 21. Shockwave radius: 42. Temporal displacement of tachyons: ???seconds. Data logged." Stock 600 - 413.2 Hot Plasma Plasma tank - Pressure: 1013.2 kPaNitrogen: 0%Oxygen: 0%CO2: 0%Plasma: 99%Temperature: 209°C

P.S. I think this was from the pool where I had an overpressured O2 tank and didn't notice.

eniine commented 9 years ago

I don't know about you, but I've been told nothing has changed with Toxins, if that were the case then something is obviously amiss.

5000C CO2 is not "lukewarm" by any means. Mixing that into a plasma cannister makes the temperature out to be 400C which is normal, it's what mixing the hot CO2 with the pure plasma cannister always did. Attach that to a can of oxygen, chilled or not and then nothing. I've done this plenty of times, so I'm not just "going all techpriest" for no reason.

Not to mention my own problem seems to be affecting others in a simmiliar way. You guys might want to try making a bomb IN toxins, the normal way, instead of using your test area. There might be a difference there.

ghost commented 9 years ago

Whelp, disregard me I suck cocks. The surfaces issue is back.

Stock O2 - Pressure: 4531.3 kPaNitrogen: 0%Oxygen: 100%CO2: 0%Plasma: 0%Temperature: 20°C O2 Tank - Pressure: 1013.3 kPaNitrogen: 0%Oxygen: 100%CO2: 0%Plasma: 0%Temperature: 20°C 29.1155 mol O2

Plasma canister - Pressure: 4499.3 kPaNitrogen: 0%Oxygen: 0%CO2: 85%Plasma: 14%Temperature: 4680°C Plasma tank - Pressure: 1013.2 kPaNitrogen: 0%Oxygen: 0%CO2: 22%Plasma: 77%Temperature: 442°C 9.19644 mol Plasma, 2.7271 mol CO2, 0.0007 mol O2

Aftermath Pressure: 1504.1 kPaNitrogen: 0%Oxygen: 70%CO2: 6%Plasma: 22%Temperature: 344°C Pressure: 752.1 kPaNitrogen: 0%Oxygen: 70%CO2: 6%Plasma: 22%Temperature: 344°C

Re-do whatever you did to fix it from last time Pomf.


ComicIronic commented 9 years ago

Should be tested again after new fixes. I would, but I don't know how to bomb or what results to expect.

wild-billy commented 9 years ago

Intended fix in, re-open if issue still exists