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Make Cryo Not Dupe Reagents #17345

Open nuklearcellphoneg opened 6 years ago

nuklearcellphoneg commented 6 years ago

What it says on the tin.

This might be relevant.

Kammerjunk commented 6 years ago

He's talking about cryo's ability to quickly produce reagents on a massive scale: image Turning 30u into just under 250u in half a minute as long as you don't have cryox or clonex in you:

var/has_cryo = occupant.reagents.get_reagent_amount(CRYOXADONE) >= 1
var/has_clonexa = occupant.reagents.get_reagent_amount(CLONEXADONE) >= 1
var/has_cryo_medicine = has_cryo || has_clonexa
if(beaker && !has_cryo_medicine)
    beaker.reagents.trans_to(occupant, 1, 1)

From - it keeps duping (half of) its contents into you as long as you don't have cryox or clonex

kilozombie commented 6 years ago

Aw, no more vomit factories