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Bunsen Burner to get Analysis Fluid has SEVERE issues #18509

Open D3athrow-Issues opened 6 years ago

D3athrow-Issues commented 6 years ago





Using the Bunsen Burner at the Research Outpost to get Analysis Fluid from Density Separated Sample.

Steps to Reproduce

Go through the process of getting Density Separated Sample as per the wiki Open Bunsen Burner fuelport Add in 50 u welder fuel if not already in it Close fuelport Add beaker to Bunsen Burner Toggle Bunsen Burner on Bunsen Burner eats up I dunno how much welder fuel per second, but it takes forever Sputters out due to no fuel Open fuelport Add 50 u welder fuel from beaker Close fuelport Toggle to on Rinse and repeat until Analysis Fluid

What you Expected

Analysis Fluid

What Actually Happened

It takes fucking FOREVER. The Bunsen Burner devours welder fuel like mad, and it takes night on 10-15 minutes for just ANY units of Analysis Fluid, maybe more. I've literally put in like more than 450 units of welder fuel now into this thing, 50 u each time "The bunsen burner splutters out from lack of fuel." and it has not converted ONE UNIT of Density Separated Sample AT ALL. Someone in thread told me that it goes faster if you have 1 u Density Separated Sample as opposed to something like 30 u. Wiki says "Toggle the burner on, it should show flames. Each time it bubbles it will signal having finished another 10 units of density separated sample." but it takes almost half a fucking hour for ONE BUBBLING to happen. I have no clue why it's like this, maybe it needs more testing or something I dunno, but fuck me this is ridiculous. I can't even triangulate at all, because I cannot obtain Analysis Fluid to do the thing to triangulate in the first place.

No difference in Bunsen Burner process time between 1 u sample and higher amounts Devours welder fuel to a blatantly absurd degree absolutely fucking USELESS and outdated

Coders please fix this shit.

MadmanMartian commented 6 years ago
  1. Stop putting in so much analysis fluid
  2. Use Ethanol
  3. Invest in an electric burner instead
Pathid commented 6 years ago

You need at least 5u of density separated sample because of how the reaction is handled. Using 5u it takes several seconds.

EDIT: Welder fuel is better than ethanol and there's no reason to make an electric burner ever, afaik.

DrSnips commented 6 years ago

When I made the electric version I had this exact scenario in mind so you could heat large amounts fast. That's the reason why you should make one and it's extremely easy to make.

SonixApache commented 6 years ago

@MadmanMartian is your advice on the wiki? If not, update the wiki.