Open D3athrow-Issues opened 6 years ago
Does it eventually equalize, or does this just happen forever?
Now that shouldn't be happening.
The difference shouldn't be enough to ZAS you at all, which is one bug (that I'm about to open a PR to fix), but even if it were it should only happen until the tile has drained.
In this particular case it isn't See #19346
Well the insert code thing ain't formatting it for shit but if I'm reading this right, just needs an update with whatever turf the already frozen snow turf is since airless would take air from the nearby turfs and air would equalize and chill causing pressure drop equalizations pending the system being overhauled to just take the air that was existing previously. /*
/obj/item/stack/tile/wood/proc/build(turf/S as turf) if(istype(S,/turf/unsimulated/floor/asteroid)) S.ChangeTurf(/turf/simulated/floor/plating/deck/airless) else S.ChangeTurf(/turf/simulated/floor/plating/deck)
/obj/item/stack/tile/wood/afterattack(atom/target, mob/user, adjacent, params) if(adjacent) if(isturf(target) || istype(target, /obj/structure/lattice/wood)) var/turf/T = get_turf(target) var/obj/structure/lattice/L L = locate(/obj/structure/lattice/wood) in T if(!istype(L)) return var/obj/item/stack/tile/wood/S = src if(!(T.canBuildPlating(S))) to_chat(user, "You can't get that deck up without some support!") return if(S.use(1)) playsound(src, 'sound/weapons/Genhit.ogg', 50, 1) if(T.canBuildPlating(S) == BUILD_SUCCESS) qdel(L)
(WEB REPORT BY: sarahjohnson REMOTE:
The deck's air is different than the snow away mission so it slams the shit out of you until you're dead if you don't have magboots on.
Steps to Reproduce
Use wood planks on snow to make wooden foundation
Use wood floor tiles to make a "deck" turf.
You and all the stuff on it gets thrown endlessly as it tries to equalize.
What you Expected
Not being way off
What Actually Happened
Slammed into a wall until dead.