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[Feature request] Super pump #22961

Open FudgePucker opened 5 years ago

FudgePucker commented 5 years ago

[featurerequest] Well now that the only possible way to gain loads of pressure easily has been removed, there needs to be a new method of boosting pressure.

Instead of using the RPD and two sheets of glass, a new machine, created like a conveyor belt, would be a turbo pump. Capable of pumping to astronomical pressures. Super fast settings and super precise settings, no more making five (useless) gas pumps into distro, just one of these bad boys will keep a safe pressure. Also these should only operate on the main pipe layer instead of being able to stack five on one turf because of how large it is.

Not locked behind cargo, science, or traders, interaction is a meme, soldering iron, glass, metal, and cables (maybe a power cell to let it work outside of APC range for cold loops in space.)

If you are so concerned about pressure, just make it proportionionally get slower as the pressure gets massive (like start slowing down at 15k)

brndd commented 5 years ago

I've been toying with the idea of advanced RPDs that you get from R&D that can create advanced atmos devices (basically just straight number upgrades over current ones) and do so without the delay associated with RPDs. It's not at the top of my atmos priority list however.

A "super pump" like this should IMO be an advanced machine that requires large amounts of power. Would add another facet to high effect engineering/atmos autism, and more ways to use all that power you generate is always good.

PS: There are still ways to generate effectively unbound amounts of pressure. Just channel your pipe autism and you'll find they aren't even that difficult to figure out. I'll give you a free tip by telling you that you can get ~65 megapascals by taking directly from the gas miners as long as you have no bottlenecking devices in between (turn off the pressure checks on the vent or use a passive vent).

DrSnips commented 5 years ago

Or we could just get scrubber "pumps" back.

FudgePucker commented 5 years ago


No Stop with this bullshit.

This means that;

Science can get RPDs without having to hack anything or ask anybody, QoL for toxins, but fuck science they get so much fucking shit already, they shouldn't also get a better RPD than engineers.

Also this means that engineering will NEVER EVER see these. Science needs those mats for guns, BoH, and their other power gaming needs. Only chance in hell we would see them outside of science would be MoMMIs making them.

The benefit of using the soldering iron is that; you are not at mercy of another department (seriously, I am still pissed off you used the portable atmozior thingy as an example to nerf scrubbers, I have had to chase off vox traders from engineering several times after they smash in from space, NOT ONCE have I been offered a deal for it or even seen it on their trade ship for sale. I misspelled the name because I haven't even seen it in game before.), it isn't spammable you have to be more conservative with its uses or have enough autism to make 20 of them, and it still would be accessible in a pinch, a good engineer carries metal glass cables and a soldering iron with them.

DrSnips commented 5 years ago

Not to mention nobody knows how the vapor thing works unless you code dive. This is a self feeding cycle where nobody knows how it works, therefore no one buys it, therefore traders don't stock it, repeat.

Lunstra commented 5 years ago

Make it a structure so it blocks movement with a circuit board craftable with the soldering iron sounds ideal, then it'd need APC power, takes up valuable space and could take upgraded parts for even more SUCC if you got hold of them.

FudgePucker commented 5 years ago

I was thinking it would block movement, and the soldering iron circuit board, but I have mixed feelings about it requiring APC power, I was thinking a power cell in its construction and allow it to do both APC power or power cell power. Another option would be to have a wire knot under it. It would be nice to make one out in space without having to make an air tight room, get blueprints, and do all that shit. I don't know about stock parts, sure, it would be nice to have upgrades, but, science. Fuck science.

brndd commented 5 years ago

Have you tried just walking to the R&D desk and talking to them? A single miner can supply them with enough minerals to print more shit than they know to do with, and research takes less than ten minutes to complete even if you're slow.

The same strategy also works on the vox. They start with a very limited amount of money and have to buy all their stock from the trader supply, so they won't just randomly bring you shit on the off chance you'll want it (unless it's something universally desirable like roundstart borg upgrades). Ask them for it and I'm sure they'll be more than happy to bring it to you and stock it with vapor salts. That thing is absolutely nuts by the way, it can pressurize an entire room in a single tick if you get the reagent amount right (or overpressurize it if you overshoot).

Anyway I'm taking a look at portable atmospherics right now and they're kinda bad (read: absolutely terrible) for anything but filling tanks so I'm buffing them.

LordMyroc commented 5 years ago

Advanced RPDs is an awful idea but I'm otherwise okay with this being an R&D machine. Just the pump alone isn't going to interest scientists outside of toxins anyway, and if all you need is the circuitboard and components you won't even need any minerals for it.

but scientists are powergaming shitters

Not even the APEX SHITTERS OF SCIENCE will refuse something as simple as a circuitboard. Not a single one. I have never once been refused at the R&D desk when asking for a single item, save for the lack of materials. Even in the absolute worst case scenario, you can just grab all you need from the mechanics workshop anyway since all you need is glass, metal, and 20u acid.

brndd commented 5 years ago

Science is the source of advanced tools for all departments for which they exist. I don't see why engineering should be an exception. Scientists won't give a jack shit about using the ARPDs themselves, and they (and anyone else) can already get a regular RPD from a hacked autolathe.

SonixApache commented 5 years ago

@FudgePucker literally go to R&D and ask for one.

On this subject, there's literally no need for 'turbo' pumps apart from for numbers autism. If you are so desperate for this 'feature', I'd at least hope pipe bursting would be added back to compensate.

DrSnips commented 5 years ago

pipe bursting

Please no. Haven't you learned anything last time you enabled an old feature we moved on from that was nearly universally hated? Can we just go the painless route with this and have it as a rountstart thing that can be mechanic scanned as well as manufactured.

ghost commented 5 years ago

You could always abuse filters and their infinipressuring if you wanted. But otherwise, I agree with what everyone else has said.