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[Feature Request] Necromorph Antag #24650

Open stormcloud23 opened 4 years ago

stormcloud23 commented 4 years ago

Step back, idea guy coming through. Just wanted to share an outline for what I think might be a fun new antag/game mode and get some feedback/thoughts.

New antag: Necromorphs/Convergence Event (Dead Space)

Event begins in two ways. One, a random event causes a black marker to crash into the station. Two, a xenoarcheologist or miner finds one on the asteroid. The marker effects a number (say 4) of random crewmembers in different ways based on job roles, with at least one of each type guaranteed. Low to average iq crew (cook, assistants, security, janitor, cargo, etc) gets a message notifying them of antag status and saying something like "you feel an alien force pulling at the threads of your sanity". As their mental state degrades, these crewmen are encouraged to act bizarrely, and violently, providing corpses and bodies for phase 2. High iq crewmembers (scientists, doctors, engineers(?), department heads) are instead told to gather materials in order to create copies of the original black marker, known as red markers, somewhere else on the station, preferably well hidden (maybe a few hundred sheets of metal, or whatever, with a minute or two construction time). For each copy created, more crew members, selected at random, feel the effects.

After 1-2 red markers are created, phase two begins. Corpses on the station begin to mutate (possessed by player ghosts) and turn into necromorphs, dangerous creatures with spindly, blade-like limbs. Their goal is to kill as many crewmembers as possible, to provide the markers with more dead flesh to reanimate. They are extremely resistant to damage on their chest and head, but bladed weapons (perhaps things that can be used to butcher), deal massive damage to them when targeting their limbs. Engineering tools are also effective to some extent (a new item, the plasma cutter, could be introduced as the ultimate anti necromorph weapon, which could function like a ranged welding tool in regular play). Different varieties of necromorphs could exist, but for the sake of simplicity here, let's just stick with the regular variant.

At this point, it's kinda team death match between the sane members of the crew and the insane/necromorphs. Necromorph victory occurs once 90%+ of the crew/living beings (monkies included) are killed and reanimated, at which point a brethren moon is created (giant fleshy ball of death) to do the narsie thing. The markers essentially being the reproductive mechanism for these alien horrors.

The crew wins if all markers are deconstructed/destroyed (requires engineers/engineering tools, and the deconstruction process alerts all infected/necromorphs that the marker is under attack), and any infected with the ability to create more markers are killed.

Thoughts? Obviously it's just a rough outline, and it would be a huge project, but I'm curious to hear at least if you guys think it would be a fun game mode to play. I like the fact that it gets a lot of dead people/ghosts back into the game.

MadmanMartian commented 4 years ago

This is incredibly RP-centric.

The random events are possible, did want to do stuff where things are hidden in meteor waves (Blob spores, xeno eggs, the replicator antag idea) but the problem there is there's an impossible hard-counter to anything meteor in the form of the starscreen shield generator that can circle the entire station with enough power.

This could be done. Would need a new mob type potentially for limb-centric damage similar to humans.

DrSnips commented 4 years ago

While the flavor is right it sounds a lot like cult. 4 people get picked, they are told to prep a hidden item(altar), hidden item pops up, bloodbath, big bad shows up and ends the round. If fail then all others self desruct. Also how much time you played? We already have necros and plasmacutters unless you're saying we need to spin them to this game mode.

stormcloud23 commented 4 years ago

What's to stop somebody from just destroying the first marker the moment they feel its pull?

The way I conceived it they're antags as soon as that message goes through. It's just flavor for phase 1 that kinda encourages you from not going from zero to a hundred right away, similar to how cult is encouraged to be stealthy at first. A similar incentive works on the infected here because they'll be outnumbered and outgunned by the crew until well into phase 2.

What's to stop somebody who has gained antagonist status from wrecking the entire station straight away?

Same thing that stops cult from doing it, social shaming. Yeah you can singuloose as an objective antag, but it's not fun and people will tell you that, and loudly. I'm not sure what admin policy is for people who loose as soon as they get converted to cult, but my guess is they at least get bwoinked, especially if they do it more than once.

While the flavor is right it sounds a lot like cult

Yeah, there are similarities, and it would definitely be better to make it distinct, but that's kinda why I posted here, to get feedback and such to make sure it would be its own thing and not just a cult reskin.

We already have necros and plasmacutters

I know but necros are just a pretty basic hostile mob (which dont have things to make them distinct like increased limb damage, etc) and I never see plasma cutters outside of combat borgs. Plus they're melee rather than ranged tools. So yeah, those things already exist in the game, but this would essentially entail a rework of them.

Edit: I just booted up a private server and there are apparently more types of necromorphs than I thought. I dont think I've ever really seen the puker or exploder in game before. Also theres a ranged variant of the plasma cutter. But again, I dont think I've ever really seen that be used. So yeah, some of the stuff is already there in game, and what I'm proposing is essentially repurposing them for a new antag/game mode. Also the necromorph sprites could use some love, they're looking a bit dated.