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Design Proposal - Mechanical Limbs Electric Boogaloo #24908

Open N3X15 opened 4 years ago

N3X15 commented 4 years ago

This is a design proposal, not set in stone, here for feedback and so I don't forget what I'm doing.


Organs In General

Organ Vendors (Tiers)

Discount Dan

Cost: Almost free Designs: Redneck engineering (cobbled together wooden/rusty shit) Skins: None Organ Inventory:

Upgrades: None.


(A play on CAT, AKA Caterpillar) Cost: Cheap Designs: Utilitarian, industrial. No curved surfaces (except for things that need them, like ball joints). Exposed hydraulics, etc. Upgrades:

Implant Inventory:

Organ Inventory:

Boston Bionics

Cost: More expensive Design: Look natural or near-natural Implant Inventory:

Organ Inventory


Cost: High-End Design: Sleek, some skins with almost alien appearance Implants:

Organ Inventory:

Northrippe Martin

Cost: High-End, billed to security/station account. Restrictions: Military and security only. Requires sec access or emag, vendor located in armory. Implants:

Universal Upgrades:




Organ Printers


Whaddabout FBPs?
Full-Body Prosthetics as a *concept* will be possible simply by replacing all of your squishy human bits with prosthetics. As for Polaris sprites, I need to talk to them so we don't cause too much drama.
Whaddabout IPCs?
Later, maybe. Right now, these are just humans/vox/whatevers with cybernetic parts. They'll still have to consider consuming oxygen/nitrogen/plasma/CO2 for keeping their brains and organics going.
MisterStaub commented 4 years ago

Something i've always wanted from spess but never really got. Do you plan on locking augmentations to autodocs, or are you considering manual augmentation via surgery as well?

utilitas- commented 4 years ago

how about making skin an organ as well? then you could make true FBPs by replacing your skin too skin would allow to code in chemistry/syringe resistance in a non-shitty way too

N3X15 commented 4 years ago

I'm making each limb have a skin that you can change like you'd change the paint on a car. Having a skin organ would interfere with that.

utilitas- commented 4 years ago

yes but what about subdermal plate armor?

N3X15 commented 4 years ago

Yep, as an upgrade.

utilitas- commented 4 years ago

finally, I can make my dreams come true

Jane-Luc Price lets a small grin grow on her face as she slams her head forward, cracking into Ashleys, the impact seeming not to effect her as she taps her skull "Dermal armor." with a grin, she'd slide her hand into Ashleys panties

Shadowmech88 commented 4 years ago

Full-Body Prosthetics as a concept will be possible simply by replacing all of your squishy human bits with prosthetics.

Will robotic torsos be a thing? Even if you replace all your organs, the torso/groin itself would still be fleshy.

Also, assuming you're going to be largely rewriting organ and limb code, and given how much of human health the organs and limbs make up, how close would this get us to something like brainmed?

N3X15 commented 4 years ago

Will robotic torsos be a thing? Even if you replace all your organs, the torso/groin itself would still be fleshy.


Also, assuming you're going to be largely rewriting organ and limb code, and given how much of human health the organs and limbs make up, how close would this get us to something like brainmed?

I'm going to be moving as much as I can into organ code, much like I did when I made the first iteration of this with lungs.



Probe1 commented 4 years ago

I'm surprisingly fine with autodocs. Normally I'm constantly complaining that we need to force player interaction through game design because this is a multiplayer game and it thrives on player interaction. But we've got half a decade of experience showing that elective surgeries just don't happen and people go to Medbay for treatment, not improvement.

N3X15 commented 4 years ago

Only half a decade?

mentgah commented 4 years ago

Give roboticists something to do.

N3X15 commented 4 years ago

@mentgah I just can't see roboticists getting involved, due to a combination of the sheer demand and having their own projects. They'd have to be doing limb surgery the entire round, or pumping out parts.

Zth-- commented 4 years ago

suicide booth emagged autodoc removes all your limbs when?

Caboozles commented 4 years ago

I dislike the idea of buffing these augs through the roof while simultaneously nerfing how impactful EMPs are. If you want to increase their effectiveness and not make EMP’d hearts instakill that’s fine. But they should have some pretty major drawbacks if EMP’d so we don’t get into a snowflake war, especially since some of this stuff sounds actively incredible, and invites powergaming out the wazoo. This needs a real limitation beyond money, because people will always find a way around that.

mentgah commented 4 years ago

fair enough

utilitas- commented 4 years ago

Autodocs should still be something that needs to be built by RnD/ordered, though, like the rigsuit modification station maybe give robotics a frame it's either you put in an autodoc that does all the operations or make organs "hot swappable", where you have to only do the organ surgery once and then be able to replace your organs with a relatively quick swap at an autodoc station

utilitas- commented 4 years ago

Oh and, while we're at it [spoiler]vorestation[/spoiler] has a kinda neat thing: Nanite Implant Framework. Inserted into the brain with a surgery, it's a chip that allows inter-round persistence. We don't really give a shit about that, but it also allows you to install departmental HUDs with specific chips, and an illegal chip allows you to install laws much like with silicons. Maybe allow the brain, be it organic or whatever, to be upgraded as well? Something something brain uploading/transferral/backup, which then can take advantage from hard-wired departmental HUDs and other neat shit.

Blithering commented 4 years ago

I think initial manual surgery to make you autodoc compatible, then from then on hotswap via phonebooth would be a good way to go about it, that way you don't have to nag a doctor to do every single surgery, but you don't remove them from the equation altogether. Would also be up for some spriting if polaris is a no go.

N3X15 commented 4 years ago

Again, I don't see neither doctors nor robotics handling the dozens of surgeries per round necessary to keep up with demand. I can of course leave in manual limb attachment, but I just don't see them being used.

Blithering commented 4 years ago

Fair enough, we can try it and see how it goes. Also for the Northrippe Martin, can I suggest a carbon fiber/adam jensen skin style? Tacticool enough to be popular for sec, and not too human as to step on Boston Bionics' toes.

N3X15 commented 4 years ago

Yeah, was going to go with various camos, black, USA, and skin shades.

Zth-- commented 4 years ago

What about a clown horn as an accordion lung? It'd honk every time you breathe (or maybe not every time to avoid it getting old very fast)

SageOfLight commented 4 years ago

Which option gives me the most weeaboo looking prosthetics.

Also how will this effect players who start with bionics? Will they get a choice for aesthetic/exoskeletons? I want my gundam arms.

Shadowmech88 commented 4 years ago

@N3X15 Brainmed refers to the idea of doing away with health as a number, and instead basing a spessman's life or death solely on the amount of brain damage they take, in an effort to be more true to life. Wounds are dangerous not because they remove health, but because they cause blood loss which can cause oxygen deprivation which causes brain damage, that sort of thing.

N3X15 commented 4 years ago

Northrippe's shit would only be available in a special Northrippe autodoc in the armory. You could order the parts from cargo and build it like a vending machine, but the installation surgery would require sec access/emag. You could also make the organs manually in robotics, but yeah, lockboxes.

tayachiya commented 4 years ago

Would it be possible to have some option that if you spawn with metal limbs your limbs don't grow back if you get cloned?

Blithering commented 4 years ago

I think cloning should always reset you to all natural limbs and organs, partially because it makes more sense, and partially because if we add this, then being reset to "factory zero" would be a major negative to the kill and clone medbay mindset.

utilitas- commented 4 years ago

>getting cloned means you lose all your fancy (albeit potentially fucked up) robolimbs and roboorgans >becomes a genuine option instead of an alternative to the occasional choose your own adventure of mending twenty fractures and internal bleedings yes please

N3X15 commented 4 years ago

Agreed with getting natural limbs on cloning. Is that not how it's currently done?

strawberrytan commented 4 years ago

I like my surgery autism even if volunteers are hard to come by

N3X15 commented 4 years ago

I like my surgery autism even if volunteers are hard to come by

Monkeys! All the fun, zero ethical risk.

utilitas- commented 4 years ago

strawberrytan prefers their victims to scream bloody murder, not stare catatonic.