vgstation-coders / vgstation13

GNU General Public License v3.0
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Silicon Feature Proposal: Ethanol Power Converter Upgrade #25515

Open SGuivenne opened 4 years ago

SGuivenne commented 4 years ago

Description of issue

Tired of cyborgs sapping your electricity? Tired of the government telling you greener is better? I propose to you today the Ethanol power converter, an upgrade for silicon based servitors that allows them, instead of recharging from standard electricity, to recharge directly with the power of mankinds best friend, alcohol.

This system would take higher proof beverages (higher than space beer because brobots are a thing that exist and infinite power is bad), and turn them directly into electricity, carbon monoxide, and heat, just as God intended.

This enables us to run the low power station of our dreams.

I feel this change will alter the silicon experience to the one we all wish for.


tayachiya commented 4 years ago

And, pray tell, how would they actually access said alcohol? Because it sounds like they'd need to find a human anytime they want to recharge

Killette2 commented 4 years ago

Extendo straw

jknpj commented 4 years ago

Why would they need a human? their gripper can hold containers (at least the service/medical ones)