Exxion and Damianq may know more about this since they witnessed this bug, but I've seen twice now that RPG shots, when they explode, sometimes create a huge amount of explosions right after in the same spot and even seemingly penetrating walls. I've only seen this with RPG flashbangs so there wasn't any damage to gauge, but this has happened when firing at somebody point blank in the hall and another time while someone was dragging the shooter around with a hookshot.
The first time I've seen this I believe (but am not sure, it could've hit the wall) the person was hit point blank by the RPG and the explosions happened, but the second time for sure nobody was actually hit with the RPG shot and it caused 100+ bomb logs.
This is definitely caused by something dragging the RPG back to existence after it has been qdel()ed
The problem is that I have no idea what is doing that
Exxion and Damianq may know more about this since they witnessed this bug, but I've seen twice now that RPG shots, when they explode, sometimes create a huge amount of explosions right after in the same spot and even seemingly penetrating walls. I've only seen this with RPG flashbangs so there wasn't any damage to gauge, but this has happened when firing at somebody point blank in the hall and another time while someone was dragging the shooter around with a hookshot.
The first time I've seen this I believe (but am not sure, it could've hit the wall) the person was hit point blank by the RPG and the explosions happened, but the second time for sure nobody was actually hit with the RPG shot and it caused 100+ bomb logs.