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Balance/Suggestion: Up the Mining Hardsuit bomb protection to at least 50, from 35. #31775

Open Megadeadly opened 2 years ago

Megadeadly commented 2 years ago

Suggestion: Up the Mining Hardsuit's bomb protection to 50 instead of 35

Why?: The Archeology Hardsuit has 65 bomb protection, while the standard hardsuit protection seems to be 35, such as the engineer's hardsuit and the medical hardsuit. I would assume that the archeology got 65 bomb protection for toxins stuff, but if you are getting blasted by your own toxin bomb, you are doing it wrong, and probably dead regardless. Miners on the other hand are far more likely to get exploded from gibtonite, so having a higher than standard bomb protection compared to other hardsuits makes sense, even if its only minor, or put on par with security rigs. Also, I ded. (Not to gibtonite)

SonixApache commented 2 years ago

better idea: don't stand near bombs

Megadeadly commented 2 years ago

I know. More just pointing out that its a little silly in a lot of ways for the archeology suit to have such high bomb resistance, and the mining suit has none extra, when, in my opinion, it should probably be the other way around, considering each jobs likelihood of exploding.

Kurfursten commented 2 years ago

Counterproposal: remove the archeology hardsuit's bomb protection. In a perfect world science would have to go back to softsuits like we had for years but I doubt that will happen. It's worth noting that the mining hardsuit does enjoy increased bullet, laser, and energy protection the archeologist suit lacks, though.

When the survivor's hardsuit was added in 2018, it was supposed to be roidstation only and offered to BOTH xenoarchs and miners as an alternative option for that map only. This is why it's not called the "xenoarcheology hardsuit". Unfortunately it got creeped onto all maps and isn't really associated with miners.

Megadeadly commented 2 years ago

It would be fair to reduce the archeology hardsuits protection to bomb instead of buffing the mining rig, although, as you pointed out, seeing as the mining rig has other protection innately, the archeology should probably keep at least a small buff to explosive resistance. Or, alternatively, maybe both could get set to 35, but a specially makeable space-proof bomb suit could be added in their stead, buildable through robotics like other hardsuits. That way there is still a high blast resistance hardsuit (not including the prototype engie suit) that could fill that niche if it was in some way wanted.

While this would probably be better suited to a separate post, I do think it might be an interesting idea to have robotics be able to make specialist suits, that are not naturally spawned on station, and are terrible at everything except their targeted resistance. Would also increase the interest in making new suits, but at the same time might just add too many probably never used suits.

wotisjanitor commented 2 years ago

counter proposal: add an expensive upgrade to the robotics fabricator that increases protection to a few damage types by small amounts.

Megadeadly commented 2 years ago

That could be neat, but if we go that route I would suggest having that upgrade be mutually exclusive with the Joint Lubrication upgrade if possible, so you have to choose between protection and speed. That being said, Hyperzine would still solve the issue of speed in that scenario.

Killette2 commented 2 years ago

Counterproposal: remove the archeology hardsuit's bomb protection. In a perfect world science would have to go back to softsuits like we had for years but I doubt that will happen. It's worth noting that the mining hardsuit does enjoy increased bullet, laser, and energy protection the archeologist suit lacks, though.

When the survivor's hardsuit was added in 2018, it was supposed to be roidstation only and offered to BOTH xenoarchs and miners as an alternative option for that map only. This is why it's not called the "xenoarcheology hardsuit". Unfortunately it got creeped onto all maps and isn't really associated with miners.

While what you say makes sense I think the reasoning for this is a sense of fairness. When I was a xenoarch prior to this change I'd often steal the mining suits because the xenoarch ones were worse when they were slower. If we go to worse suits people will grab the nearest one that isn't awful