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Feedback for an Engine Concept #32036

Open GreatBigFailure opened 2 years ago

GreatBigFailure commented 2 years ago

Working name is: Entropy Reversal Mill, ERM The point of this issue is to either: A) Create a list of ideas B) talk me out of this

Basic Concept

The engine would register certain events (someone slipping on a banana, a mob dying, an explosion, etc) within a radius. You define a radius via a device. You set the device to a certain event from a list. If that event happens it generates power. It generates less power every time this event happens. When any other event on the list happens the power generated from the selected event increases.

I have commissioned an artist to draw an extremely high detailed render of my grand vision. It will be included in the collector's edition for an extra $49.99 USD extremelydetailedconceptartcollectorsedition

A) Main engine, actually generates the power. May receive events that make more sense to work globally (PDA messages, someone praying, someone being revived) B) Secondary device. Receives events in a radius. Things like someone catching fire, sneezing, an explosion, an item being ashed. C) Radius of B D) A clown on fire, triggering B to make A generate power E) Wiggle line


Engineers generally seem to either enjoy giant numbers or making the lights stay on in the dumbest way possible. This caters to the latter. As it stands there's only so many things that generate power, any creativity has to be filtered through those. This engine would be almost entirely freeform. Intended to have a whole round spent on making a stupid conveyor belt that sets monkey men on fire then slips them via shower then electrocutes them and this somehow generates power.

Nothing is set in stone but I imagine it will generally have a lower output than most engines as to not make them obsolete through its flexibility.

What Events Though?

Exactly, whenever I try to make a list it's primarily things happening to mobs. That's fine but since the point is flexibility I don't want to limit it to just mobs.

So throw ideas for events at this thread please. It's the whole point. The engine would need a fairly sizable list to be worth making. Alternatively, talk me out of this, it's pretty dumb.

Theophrastus1 commented 2 years ago

one ban wasnt enough

Eneocho commented 2 years ago

Very dumb idea. I like it. Dumbgineering (such as rabbit radioactive tile engines) is fun.

Eneocho commented 2 years ago

Here's an idea: When the angler PR gets finished, it makes 2 TW.

irish09slasher commented 2 years ago

I only like it if you can use abstract concepts to power the engine, like prayer and working out.

Eneocho commented 2 years ago

Here's some ideas: Mob Burning. Mob moving in specific cardinal direction. Mob cooling down. Mob heating up (not burning). Mob heating up (burning) Mob cooling down while burning. Weapon gets fired. Food gets consumed. Mob speaks. Mob prays. Mob uses a machine. Mob makes power (the act of making power itself makes more power). Portal opens. Portal closes. Mob gets eaten. Amount of light in an area. Amount of darkness in an area. PDA message gets sent. PDA message gets received. Payment received. Payment sent. Money is dispensed. Reagent reactions. Explosions. Smokeable is lit. Mob smokes something. Mob speaks in specific language. Ghost moves on the area (GHOST POWER). Reagent gets sprayed. Mob is killed. Mob is revived. Mob is kept on crit without dying. W amount of X gas in Y tile goes above Z temperature. W amount of X gas in Y tile goes below Z temperature. Buttbot butts another buttbot. Conveyor pushes maximum amount. Two devices or two mobs bump into each other. Explosion in X tile happens. PDA bomb gets sent. Spare gets stolen by someone. All access individual goes through X area. Weapon gets fired. Mob turns ghoul. Engine makes above 1GW. Engine makes above 1TW. Engine makes above 1PW. Surgery step is botched. Surgery step successful. X ore gets mined. Server slows down. Tile is destroyed. Clown is brutalized. Mob is slipped. Mob is harmbatoned. Chemistry makes pills. Pill gets eaten. Crate gets bumped into. Crate gets sent. Command message sent. Mob spins. Chair spins. Mob and chair spins. Bikehorn is honked. Food is created. Food is eaten. Food is destroyed. Pacid melts something. Pacid melts mob. Water slips. Lube slips. Banana slips. B-Banana slips. Teleportation happens. Portal Teleportation happens. Crystal/B-Tomato Blink happens. Vine grows Plant is harvested. Plant is planted. Smoke gets released. Fire starts. Fire ends. Bomb gets disarmed. Bomb gets primed. Mutagen mutates someone. Radstorm happens. Lights blink or turn off/on. Mob gets braindamage. Antag kills someone. Antag revives someone. Wizard uses friendly spells.

The engine could make a static X amount of power, with the "events" functioning as a multiplier based on difficulty. Mob cooling down while burning is harder than just keeping the guy burning, so it works as a x10 instead of x2, etc.

As a side note, we should have an engine that turns bombs into power, making the ultrafuckman 30dev bomb into niggawatt power, so there's a reason to make toxbombs besides bombing and occasionally mining.

GreatBigFailure commented 2 years ago

I only like it if you can use abstract concepts to power the engine, like prayer and working out.

That's the whole idea, yes

@Eneocho Thanks for the list, most of them are exactly what I'm looking for. I'm still determining how the math would work and how it can work alongside our current power system but the current, very loose, plan is essentially what you explained. The concept is essentially the rarer an event is the more power it generates, and rarity is defined by how often any of the other events you could have chosen occur. Reading this list I think the engine would need a secondary type of addon device that receives events globally, or maybe I would just make the base engine do that while the devices receive a different set of events in a radius.

Eneocho commented 2 years ago

Godspeed either way. Do try to finish angler please. Pretty please.

KingofHONK commented 2 years ago

Based. Make one of the rarer ones warden leaving the brig

Eneocho commented 2 years ago

Based. Make one of the rarer ones warden leaving the brig

>kill warden >make back and forth conveyor on brig >get turbo niggawatts

Gurkenglas commented 2 years ago

It should make sense to not do the same build each round, so vary the power multipliers per event either randomly each round or lower/raise them the more/less they're used across rounds.