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Radiation belt event strange behaviour #34289

Open D3athrow-Issues opened 1 year ago

D3athrow-Issues commented 1 year ago





Radiation belt event started but only some rooms became lit up (flashing green). Going near these dark rooms would cause them to light up and begin flashing.

After the event completed, these rooms are still flashing green. Going near them clears this.

Steps to Reproduce

Radiation belt event Just walk around before and after (or during I guess)

What you Expected

Green flashing lights to behave normally

What Actually Happened

No such thing

Inorien commented 1 year ago

Note theres been no merges since I last saw this working, so likely something else causing it I guess I can post details after this round with 1 person in it finishes

Eneocho commented 1 year ago

Had this happen to me on a round today. The room didn't flash so I thought it was safe. I almost died to rads. The nearby rooms kept flashing even after the rads passed, and only updated when I exited maint and got to that hallway.

adacovsk commented 1 year ago

Was there no power in that room?

Eneocho commented 1 year ago

It was post engineering shart exploded I think, but I'm not sure now.

Inorien commented 1 year ago

confirmed this happens independently of room power state

it seems that the affected rooms are the same for everyone, ie. if medbay isn't flashing when it should be, everyone sees the same

nervere commented 1 year ago

This happens all the time. Able to replicate on local easily. The area's icon_state and radalert is being set properly, but the area's appearance doesn't update properly regardless. Calling updateicon() again doesn't fix anything either. Entering the area seems to fix the incorrect appearance.

@Exxion Any ideas?

Inorien commented 1 year ago

peace of shit byond fucking trash lummox i hate you

Exxion commented 1 year ago

This is probably a BYOND bug fixed in 515.1605.

Evige commented 1 month ago

I have been facing the issue which was described by Eneocho "The nearby rooms kept flashing even after the rads passed, and only updated when I exited maint and got to that hallway.". We had a round with multiple radiation belt random events. I noticed that the lights kept flickering after the first event and the same issue then happened after all the radiation belt events during the same game.

For clarification: I haven't faced the original issue of this ticket even once, so I think that is fixed, but still that other flickering keeps happening after the events.

BYOND version: 515.1635.

Eneocho commented 1 month ago

yeah the flashing lights being fucked until someone enters the room thing keeps happening