vgstation-coders / vgstation13

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Disables grue antag from firing randomly. #36575

Closed Dacendeth closed 1 month ago

Dacendeth commented 1 month ago

What this does

Basically prevents grue from automatically firing

Why it's good

Grue is a poorly balanced gamebreaking antag focused around round removal and broken game mechanics and it shouldnt be playable in this condition



BomberBro commented 1 month ago

Third antag nerf/removal PR I've spawned immediately after I played as them for a round B)

Dacendeth commented 1 month ago

Yes I thank you for showcasing how retarded this antag is.

ErrorsWindows commented 1 month ago

i thought grues were a mining mob

9percents commented 1 month ago

whoever thought up grue should rethink it

angryturnip commented 1 month ago

Focused on round removal is a bit of a stretch to me considering they can lay an egg for every person they eat. Having them snowball very easily if there happens to be a lot of dead bodies already in the round is a bit annoying though

Dacendeth commented 1 month ago

If they stay someone needs to do something about their infinite stat scaling. being able to regen 200 hp in a matter of seconds after eating a dozen people and moving three times as fast as anyone else makes a very unfun problem with nothing you can do about it besides call the shuttle since every grue weakness has been coded out.

Theophrastus1 commented 1 month ago

Grues ability to just ignore what was supposed to be their intended weakness basically creates fucking mustard gas

west3436 commented 1 month ago

[i ded]

djkramer123 commented 1 month ago

They need their speed cut down, especially given the fact they deal 50 damage all grown up, which is pretty wack even without turbo speed. Also they should either lose the jaunt when they evolve to adult size or the cooldown needs to be massively increased. The ability to counter their counter has always been an lol.

boy2mantwicethefam commented 1 month ago

Perhaps wearing riot armor now that they once again deal ~8 damage at full strength to people wearing riot armor would help deal with grues. Some of you voted for grues to have that weakness and then don't make use of that weakness.

ErrorsWindows commented 1 month ago

le darkness aura It is perfectly well lit. You are likely to be eaten by a big black man grue tugging a 10 tile blob of shadows with him and permanently fucking up the lighting logic for the rest of the round. the reality is that nothing with mobility as its main trait will ever really truly be "balanced" due to the ability to simply pick fights, in the same vein of how many other things like that are simply annoying - Blink, a jetpack space battle, xenomorph hunters, etc.

hacker-on-steroids commented 1 month ago

make them deal pain damage(plus like 1 brute) and skeletonize people they eat that way the crew remains alive and there's also spare grue eggs to get deadchat back in the round

Dacendeth commented 1 month ago

You think skeletonizing would help until you realize that the grue can just hit the corpse a few times and gib the head to pop out a brain that'll become unusable eventually.

djkramer123 commented 1 month ago

Perhaps wearing riot armor now that they once again deal ~8 damage at full strength to people wearing riot armor would help deal with grues. Some of you voted for grues to have that weakness and then don't make use of that weakness.

"Just wear riot armor" he shouts, as the adult grue runs through medbay's walls at mach 10 absorbing light and owns every doctor and patient and blinks away as security shows up

hacker-on-steroids commented 1 month ago

the grue can just hit the corpse a few times and gib the head

you need a 15 brute hit to pulverise limbs, so the small amount of brute(multiplied by 2 because skelington) wouldn't be enough to crush them into bonemeal the small amount of brute would be there to make simplemobs killable, and also to give the hypothetical grues a way to fight back against the completely skeletonised station without retarded headremoval

Dacendeth commented 1 month ago

the grue can just hit the corpse a few times and gib the head

you need a 15 brute hit to pulverise limbs, so the small amount of brute(multiplied by 2 because skelington) wouldn't be

You do realize a proper grue does 50 damage which would be 100 against a skeleton corpse?

boy2mantwicethefam commented 1 month ago

"Just wear riot armor" he shouts, as the adult grue runs through medbay's walls at mach 10 absorbing light and owns every doctor and patient and blinks away as security shows up

I don't believe grues are good at opening sleepers but I am not sure. I don't believe they can deal with disposal bins either.

djkramer123 commented 1 month ago

I don't believe grues are good at opening sleepers but I am not sure. I don't believe they can deal with disposal bins either


Dacendeth commented 1 month ago

Any player controlled mob even mice can eject people from sleepers.

SonixApache commented 1 month ago

i ded pls remove

falcon2346 commented 1 month ago

Grues already have a frankly ridiculously long lasting light resistance that lets them sprint through floodlight radius lights without getting slowed or taking damage, they literally don't need darkness aura. The dumb aura removes their only counterplay that isn't wearing riot armor. The aura is the biggest clear and obvious problem with Grue because it means at some point there is nothing you can do to keep them at bay, I don't know why we keep dancing around this.

ErrorsWindows commented 1 month ago

"Just wear riot armor" he shouts, as the adult grue runs through medbay's walls at mach 10 absorbing light and owns every doctor and patient and blinks away as security shows up


anonymoose-contributor commented 1 month ago

Grues already have a frankly ridiculously long lasting light resistance that lets them sprint through floodlight radius lights without getting slowed or taking damage, they literally don't need darkness aura. The dumb aura removes their only counterplay that isn't wearing riot armor. The aura is the biggest clear and obvious problem with Grue because it means at some point there is nothing you can do to keep them at bay, I don't know why we keep dancing around this.

Strange that you seem to agree with this PR, but downvoted it.

Focused on round removal is a bit of a stretch to me considering they can lay an egg for every person they eat. Having them snowball very easily if there happens to be a lot of dead bodies already in the round is a bit annoying though

It seems as we've tried to counter "round removal" antags like Changeling by giving observers/dead players a chance to cause chaos via a respawn from a split or in Grue's case an egg, but that hardly seems like a good reason to keep an antag in rotation when its core purpose is to just kill. Not every antag needs to be about killing or mass destruction.

west3436 commented 1 month ago

I ded/the thumbs hated this