vgstation-coders / vgstation13

GNU General Public License v3.0
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Borers issues #5448

Closed Intigracy closed 8 years ago

Intigracy commented 8 years ago

The good

SonixApache commented 8 years ago

someone said make borers a ling power that'd be pretty cool

ghost commented 8 years ago

I say remove direct control altogether, make the dynamic be that the borer could easily kill the host at any time (perhaps leaving uncloneable remains like a husk?) but have it be more favourable for the borer to keep the host alive so its in the hosts favour to listen to the borers commands and in the borers favour to keep the host alive. Perhaps award points to the borer for the length of time they remain inside a host allowing them to upgrade new abilities that could benefit both the host and the borer? Also allow the host to communicate with the borer by 'thinking' to get around the issue of a mime being borerered.

Intigracy commented 8 years ago