vgstation-coders / vgstation13

GNU General Public License v3.0
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Objectives #7363

Closed ghost closed 8 years ago

ghost commented 8 years ago

If your objective is a mime or clown, you will be asked to assassinate someone who isn't on the station, as their stage name is often different than their character name.

Intigracy commented 8 years ago

Still not sure how to fix this.

ihadtoregisterforthis commented 8 years ago

Adding the job to the objectives description could work too unless the mistery is part of the charm of doubloons, which I doubt since you can check the PDA for the crew manifest anyways.

gbasood commented 8 years ago

Traitor objectives are stored as datums inside mind datums.

You could loop through all traitors, check if they have a mission with them as a target, and change the description text to the new name, when clowns and mimes finish renaming themselves.