vgstation-coders / vgstation13

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Taxi needs to be converted into a snow map #7376

Closed N3X15 closed 7 years ago

N3X15 commented 8 years ago

Taxi works far better as a terrestrial map, since it gets rid of the shuttle issue entirely and would let us have a permanent ice survival world.

Suggested by some guy in OOC.

fitrandiddle commented 8 years ago

I am for any and all changes adding more snow maps.

Also, taxistation's multiple parts on a snowy map would create a lot of interesting outdoor encounters, which hits me deep. I want it.

ihadtoregisterforthis commented 8 years ago

Gamemodes aside one of the biggest issues with game mechanics is the pipe cooling. We need snow environments fully functional before anything drastic. It is unlikely but possible that taxi won't be fit for outside snow if and when it's complete.

icantthinkofanameritenow commented 8 years ago

Snow map? Why not a lava map, or a desert map, or any other kind of terrestrial map? Hell, I'd be fine with it being a swamp or even a grassland map, DrCelt's pet project already has snow covered.

d3athrow commented 8 years ago

Tundra outpost 13!

icantthinkofanameritenow commented 8 years ago

Seriously, what is with the snow obsession? Every time we do a terrestrial map, it's fucking snow!


icantthinkofanameritenow commented 8 years ago


Have you forgotten that firesuits are a thing? It's only worn by every other assistant who scrounges through maint, you know.

If that doesn't work, make it a swamp or something, anything but snow.

9600bauds commented 8 years ago

This is a rather solid idea honestly. It begs the question though of "why wouldn't the stations be wired together"?

ghost commented 8 years ago

7158 & #6789 need to be done before this is feasible.

ghost commented 8 years ago

This might actually make taxi into a decent map.

The entire delivery system would have to be remade as it relies on space traveling packages.

icantthinkofanameritenow commented 8 years ago


Hence the request to make it a different kind of terrestrial map.

NigglyWiggly commented 8 years ago

Honestly, this sounds like a great idea. Should we change Centcom to be a terrestrial base too? Or is it gonna be a shuttle landing and leaving?

Zth-- commented 8 years ago

Oh god imagine mulebots going from station to station on a desert. It's fucking great

Blithering commented 8 years ago

The warm suits that are on the research outpost would work. Maybe make a new locker with 2-3 of them in and dot them about the place. Delete the taxi shuttles, make pre-dug paths from station to station, and if possible replace carp swarms with bears.

Blithering commented 8 years ago

Perhaps counter it with smaller numbers then? Have 1 or 2 spawn instead, or make it a meteor style survival event with bears forever.

Zth-- commented 8 years ago

Random event: sandstorm with darude-sandstorm at the background

ghost commented 8 years ago

Working on it.

ghost commented 8 years ago

Worked on it

ghost commented 7 years ago

Worked more on it

kol1th commented 7 years ago

i helped

ghost commented 7 years ago

Also helping

ghost commented 7 years ago

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