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Adding Meteors back to the Secret rotation #7491

Closed ghost closed 7 years ago

ghost commented 8 years ago

Yep, it's that time of the year again. Ever since I worked my ass off on it, Meteors no longer lags like absolute ass and is challenging to the players as the old thing was

I think the best solution would be a rare pick at 30 players (I guess as rare as Blob can work, needs a value edited because currently it's 20 players on Secret, which is far too low). Rare enough to not piss off everyone, but means I don't have to beg the admins in lobbies to have my most recent changes tested

ghost commented 8 years ago

Why the hell not? :+1:

BestName commented 8 years ago

pls no

icantthinkofanameritenow commented 8 years ago

I'd rather eat a mouthful of thumbtacks.

Exxion commented 8 years ago

no longer lags like absolute ass

I mean it definitely lagged like fuck yesterday but OK

I'm sure it's not as bad as it used to be, but it's still pretty bad.

ghost commented 8 years ago

I was on yesterday for the testing, it didn't lag for the most part except for a specific section which is caused by a mass runtime on thermal plates, for which you can thank Comic

icantthinkofanameritenow commented 8 years ago

@dylanstrategie I think you didn't notice the fact that the lag was probably the least insufferable part of the round. There was also the fact that it's nothing but a protracted shuttle call for everyone involved- and that most damage to the shuttle is impossible to repair, especially when it "lands" right where the meteors are hitting.

The mode has no right to exist, and no amount of tweaking changes the fact that it's simply not fun at all, even if you're just watching. You call it "challenging", I call it "an agonizing clusterfuck that lasts twice as long as it ought to".

Rei1226 commented 8 years ago

Please god no. It doesn't matter whether this mode lags or not, it is still a horribly boring monstrosity of a mode.

I appreciate all the work you've put into it Dylan but the mode was doomed from the start, there was nothing you could do about it.

ghost commented 8 years ago

There's nothing wrong with a new dynamic every now and then - If it doesn't out-stay its welcome and is rare, I see absolutely nothing wrong with a survival mode. It's at least a pleasant change from stealth antags like changeling or vamp who just eat monkeymen for 50 minutes, get their objective and call the shuttle.

DrLeprikon commented 8 years ago

I remember fun cosy times on the satelite and I want them back!

icantthinkofanameritenow commented 8 years ago

@DrCelt There are better ways than this- I always thought that it would be prudent to make it so monkeymen could not count towards genome or blood count. Perhaps the game can check if a person was on the manifest, and if not its genome/blood would not count for objectives. But that is something for a.different issue. (Or you could start handing out jobbans to people who use the monkeymen exploit, but again that too should be another issue.)

The important thing is that in meteors there are no antagonists and very little the crew can actually DO in the mode- every round of meteors even after Dylan's addditons boils down to huddling in the bar and praying there's enough of Escape left in one piece to reach the shuttle with.

icantthinkofanameritenow commented 8 years ago

And for the record, it can't overstay a welcome it never possessed to begin with.

Rei1226 commented 8 years ago


This. Literally every round I have seen of meteor is just people huddling in bar smoking joints and going afk for 30 minutes while a few stragglers try and set up shield generators and shit around the station.

If people can barely stomach that shit once in a blue moon when dylan tells us to force it, I highly doubt it's going to go over even better when its in the rotation and is played often.

ghost commented 8 years ago

Actually, with the recent changes you actually have to fortify the station actively. People tried huddling in the Bar yesterday to pass time, it worked very badly. Only reason the station wasn't razed is because I underevaluated the amount of meteors to fling at the station

icantthinkofanameritenow commented 8 years ago

@Dylanstrategie Which means all of us who don't have a sick obsession with Meteors like you do hate it even more. The entire server would be better off if the mode was commented out of the code.

Stop trying to think it can be "fixed". Like cancer, you can only remove it entirely. Make the version that occurs as a random event be nastier if you wish, but don't imagine for a moment that it could qualify for its own mode.

ihadtoregisterforthis commented 8 years ago

We need mixed more than ever.

Maybe meteors as random gamemode should be more of a somewhat rare round variable, with higher meteor rates and numbers, but still allowing other gamemodes to work on the station instead of having to wall everything off or scuttling to the asteroid. Not enough meteors to have everyone helpless but enough to keep engineers in hard mode. Ye olde button meteors would stay as survival.

Exxion commented 8 years ago

I don't really have a problem with the gamemode remaining in the code, but it should really be an adminbus-only thing. Hell, maybe it could even be fun if admins do stuff in the round to spice it up.

SangriaMonkey commented 8 years ago

Enough with this shit already

9600bauds commented 8 years ago

I'm not sure if I understand the point of the gamemode at it's base

Cisrox commented 8 years ago

Meteors - Cuddle up in the Ai Core or off station tabbed out watching youtube.

icantthinkofanameritenow commented 8 years ago


Or more likely, type in "suicide" to kill yourself and deny the meteors the satisfaction.

Zth-- commented 8 years ago

Yes :+1:

Exxion commented 8 years ago

@clusterfack #7330 LET'S DO IT

ghost commented 8 years ago

[after playing a meteors round]

Do you agree that this roundtype was at the very least a different dynamic and with some tweaks it could be acceptable?

Vote Result: Yes with 18 votes No had 4 votes

Cisrox commented 8 years ago


ghost commented 8 years ago

No need to fortify, just hide in the AI Core, boring gamemode


Didn't bother to screenshot the station because it was all gone by 5 minutes before shuttle call

Cisrox commented 8 years ago

I felt like the meteors that round were more intense and more fun, usually you can fortify in the AI core.

ghost commented 8 years ago

Yeah, behind the scenes I simply increased build times and increased meteor counts. Which means you have 7.5-10 minutes to build to hold out against thousands of meteors

icantthinkofanameritenow commented 8 years ago

@DrCelt Perhaps you should have been more specific about what those tweaks would be, because I don't think those tweaks are the ones you might have had in mind when you asked. I for one would suggest the current "underpowered" meteor rate is still too high by far. Again, all it does is make people do slightly more preparation before they go to the bar/AI core/asteroid to wait the damn thing out. (On that note, barely anyone even knows how the shield generators or shield capacitors work. Put in an instruction manual for their use.)

If you want to make it fun, you have to change the mode in a way that most people can actually DO something. In its current state, you may as well suicide if you're not an engineer, a engiborg/mediborg, or a MoMMI because every other job is reduced to varying degrees of uselessness.

At least make it so that when the emergency shuttle docks, the meteors don't hit it or the pods. Right now.if the shuttle is hit the resulting breach is unfixable, killing whoever didn't snatch a space suit at the start of the round or loot one off a corpse.

ghost commented 8 years ago

[after playing a meteors round]

Do you agree that this roundtype was at the very least a different dynamic and with some tweaks it could be acceptable?

Vote Result: Yes with 27 votes No had 8 votes

ghost commented 8 years ago

Also remove screenshake.