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Remove 1 Vote Maps from Weighted Votes #7897

Closed D3athrow-Issues closed 8 years ago

D3athrow-Issues commented 8 years ago

(WEB REPORT BY: gunosaguki REMOTE: Its not worth potentially allientating a large portion of the active players who clearly didnt want the 1 vote map for that round.

I'm fine for having maps having a chance to be vote. but 1 vote is NOT a "chance" its a high chance of it being a special snowflake who was just looking to piss people off by it winning.

9600bauds commented 8 years ago

1 vote is NOT a "chance" It's a small chance, that sounds like a chance to me

a special snowflake hooo boy

Ephx1 commented 8 years ago


Zth-- commented 8 years ago


Exxion commented 8 years ago


Ephx1 commented 8 years ago


It just gets better and better

SysadminJeroen commented 8 years ago


Gunosaguki commented 8 years ago

CptWad, other maps get played plenty now. im just talking about 1 votes for that PARTICULAR vote. There is not much point in a 1 vote map winning if clearly hardly anyone wanted to play that map at that moment.

There is value to be had to balancing the "We need to test these maps!" and "We want to play THIS map".

Exxion commented 8 years ago

Which is why it almost never happens The chance of a map winning is exactly equal to the percentage of people who voted for it, as it should be And to be honest I can't figure out any reason one would want it to be different other than just so we can go back to 24/7 Box, which we implemented this feature to avoid.

Gunosaguki commented 8 years ago

It wouldnt make it 24/7 box. it would give % to the non-box maps too.

Im honestly shocked at how much against this everyone is. I feel like most of you are thinking about this from a map testing point of view and not a player happiness point of view.

Exxion commented 8 years ago

You're one of about three people who dislikes the new system, as far as I'm aware.

9600bauds commented 8 years ago

Apparently it's allientating to have your vote not win, so his complaint is that one vote winning is allientating a lot of people. However he's not taking into consideration that said voter probably got very allientated when his vote didn't win the last 30 times, the current system keeps the allientation equally distributed. Otherwise you would be permanently allientating the lone voter.

Exxion commented 8 years ago

If you really, really cannot tolerate the map that wins, then you can just sit out a round. But honestly the maps that get played less are better in my opinion and even if you disagree it seems rather petty to get that upset over just which map is played.

Gunosaguki commented 8 years ago

i dont dislike any of the maps except for non-snow taxi, but ill tollerate it because it has the best roid and i play xenoarch/miner often.. I'm purely talking about this from a "This looks like a stupid ass part of this system, we should probably tweak it a bit" perspective. i wont get really pissed off it isn't changed. This is mostly from a "I think it could be improved" point of view.

Exxion commented 8 years ago

But what's wrong with it? I just don't get it.

9600bauds commented 8 years ago

I don't think you appreciate the allientation distribution

Gunosaguki commented 8 years ago

Whats wrong with it is that there should be some factoring of the larger playerbase in the weighted vote.

9600bauds commented 8 years ago

The votes control the % of each map winning

Gunosaguki commented 8 years ago

You're missing the point entirely. removing 1 votes from the weighted vote would ENSURE that voting has some purpose other than "rng dictated this map won" it makes it so that the maps that were picked were wanted to be playn by more than one person.

Exxion commented 8 years ago

RNG dictated the map won with a percent chance equivalent to the percentage of people who want to play it Exactly as it should be

Gunosaguki commented 8 years ago

why are we allowing RNG to pick a map with 1 vote? thats the point im making. for the sake of RNG? thats it?

Exxion commented 8 years ago

Because one person voted for it, of course The point you're making just doesn't seem to make any sense

PJB3005 commented 8 years ago

Becuase if 10% of the playerbase wants to play deff then deff gets picked 10% of the time?

Gunosaguki commented 8 years ago

the point you're making doesnt seem to make any sense

9600bauds commented 8 years ago

I'm lost here, do you have an issue with RNG or with minority votes?

Gunosaguki commented 8 years ago

1 person =/= minority is the point im making

1 person = individual

Exxion commented 8 years ago

Which is still a minority

Gunosaguki commented 8 years ago

No. there is majorities. there is minorities. there are individuals that nobody agrees with

9600bauds commented 8 years ago

You seem to be the only individual here who doesn't like the new system

Exxion commented 8 years ago

So you're suggesting that someone's opinion is invalid just because nobody who decided to vote agrees with them?

Gunosaguki commented 8 years ago

You guys seem to not understand what im getting at all. and its not even remotely hard to understand but you seem to have trouble with it

Gunosaguki commented 8 years ago

1 vote is unfair. I dont give a fuck which map won the 1 vote

Exxion commented 8 years ago

How is it unfair to give 1 vote a fair chance of winning? How is it fair to discount that one vote?

Gunosaguki commented 8 years ago

1 vote is more unfair winning to the other maps with 3+ votes than it is to the 1 vote only having 1 vote and thus a small chance

Exxion commented 8 years ago

That's not how fairness works.

Gunosaguki commented 8 years ago

you guys need to get the statistics out of your eyes

Gunosaguki commented 8 years ago

Unlikely =/= its good to leave it as is

Cancer is unlikely. is that good?

PJB3005 commented 8 years ago

You do realise that the chance for a map to win is directly related to the amount of votes, right?

Also, cancer is like the shittiest analogy ever.

Gunosaguki commented 8 years ago

i just picked a random bad thing

Exxion commented 8 years ago

You know, if we did decide to discount single votes because nobody agrees with them, then your opinion would be the first to be discounted.

Gunosaguki commented 8 years ago

except at least 3 people int he thread have agreed with me so im not a single vote

Gunosaguki commented 8 years ago

Lol. you immediately just made me think way less of you by claiming people on my side are samefags

Gunosaguki commented 8 years ago

that explains why you cant see a point

Exxion commented 8 years ago

1/20 = 3/60 60 is, of course, an estimate, but probably a low one given how many people have visibly spoken on this issue.

9600bauds commented 8 years ago

5% to win = 1 in 19 chance to win -> map wins -> 19 people played a map they didn't want to

5% to win = 1 in 19 chance to win -> map doesn't win 19 times in a row -> guy played a map he didn't want to 19 times

It evens out

Gunosaguki commented 8 years ago

9600bauds made the best point

Gunosaguki commented 8 years ago

clusterfack. that'd only be on github

Exxion commented 8 years ago

9600bauds made the same point the rest of us have been He just explained it more clearly.

9600bauds commented 8 years ago

We should go back to the old system which spoke like a vox

PJB3005 commented 8 years ago

Also 3 people in the thread is the minority in this case.

Gunosaguki commented 8 years ago

PJB3005, but the point im making is individual votes. not minority votes