Closed Probe1 closed 5 years ago
Do they show up in Dream Maker if you save, close, and re-open the map? Basically, are they still there and just not in-game, or are they completely deleted?
Correct. They are there in dreammaker permanently. I did those steps.
When the game compiles and server starts, the pipes that are layered on the same tile are missing.
Sounds like a piece of sanity against stacked pipes that's failing to take layers into account.
@DrCelt code strikes again
@intigracy doubt it in this case.
He made layered pipes.
No, comic did.
Celt made the pipes fancy.
Actually, this DOES work, you must be doing something wrong.
Look at the pipes in the atmos control room on box.
I did but when I used them they did not appear so somethings fucked here.
Can confirm it is at the very least not working properly. In testing, straight pipes mapped in on a different layer showed up as though they were on the regular layer until they were unwrenched and wrenched back down. Putting two 4-way manifolds, each on a different layer, on the same tile resulted in both being invisible, though still present when inspected with Alt+Click. They were unable to be removed due to "needing to remove the plating" despite the fact that the floor there was plating and specifically it was the same turf type that the other, visible, pipes were on.
aged out
Reported as no longer existing by burneddi on Discord.
Description of issue
Layered pipes placed in dream maker don't show up in game when multiple layered pipes are on the same tile
Difference between expected and actual behavior
painstakenly put down layered pipes to maintain a rooms furhurbunker level of reinforced walls without running pipes through rwalls
didn't work in game
Steps to reproduce
place layered pipes on the same tile in dreammaker and notice how they don't appear in game.
Specific information for locating
Length of time in which bug has been known to occur
Server revision
Issue bingo
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