Closed ekg closed 4 years ago
I'm attempting to use libodgi and libhandlegraph together, and getting errors like this:
/usr/bin/ld: odgi-prefix/lib/libodgi.a(odgi.cpp.o):([_ZTVN4odgi7graph_tE]+0x1e8): undefined reference to `handlegraph::MutableHandleGraph::increment_node_ids(long)' /usr/bin/ld: odgi-prefix/lib/libodgi.a(odgi.cpp.o):([_ZTVN4odgi7graph_tE]+0x190): undefined reference to `handlegraph::MutableHandleGraph::increment_node_ids(long)' /usr/bin/ld: odgi-prefix/lib/libodgi.a(odgi.cpp.o):([_ZTVN4odgi7graph_tE]+0x4e8): undefined reference to `handlegraph::MutableHandleGraph::increment_node_ids(long)' /usr/bin/ld: odgi-prefix/lib/libodgi.a(odgi.cpp.o):([_ZTVN4odgi7graph_tE]+0x518): undefined reference to `handlegraph::MutableHandleGraph::increment_node_ids(long)'
It looks like there is a kind of confusion about nid_t and long, and this virtual function isn't being instantiated correctly.
This can be resolved by adding a specialization of the function for long.
I'm attempting to use libodgi and libhandlegraph together, and getting errors like this:
It looks like there is a kind of confusion about nid_t and long, and this virtual function isn't being instantiated correctly.
This can be resolved by adding a specialization of the function for long.