vgteam / vg

tools for working with genome variation graphs
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Do BAMs output by giraffe require indel realignment? #3719

Open jdidion opened 2 years ago

jdidion commented 2 years ago

Based on the methods in the Draft Human Pan-Genome paper ( it looks like BAM files surjected from giraffe graph alignments (which it appears can now be done directly by giraffe without the separate surject step) were indel left-aligned (using freebayes bamleftalign) and re-aligned (using GATK and ABRA). Is this still necessary, or have recent changes to giraffe obviated this step? I ask because I do not see it mentioned in the tutorial ( If the step is still required, can Glia be used to replace bamleftalign/GATK/ABRA?


hxt163 commented 1 year ago

Based on the methods in the Draft Human Pan-Genome paper ( it looks like BAM files surjected from giraffe graph alignments (which it appears can now be done directly by giraffe without the separate surject step) were indel left-aligned (using freebayes bamleftalign) and re-aligned (using GATK and ABRA). Is this still necessary, or have recent changes to giraffe obviated this step? I ask because I do not see it mentioned in the tutorial ( If the step is still required, can Glia be used to replace bamleftalign/GATK/ABRA?


hello,i want to know if the problom has been solved.Can vg-surject-deepvariant pipeline without realignment step? Thank you!