Open TheAifam5 opened 6 years ago
Hi, I found the AppVeyor build which failing because of:
C:\ci\build\cling-src\tools\cling\lib\UserInterface\textinput\TerminalDisplayWin.cpp(36): error C2664: 'HANDLE CreateFileW(LPCWSTR,DWORD,DWORD,LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES,DWORD,DWORD,HANDLE)': cannot convert argument 1 from 'const char [8]' to 'LPCWSTR' [C:\ci\build\builddir\tools\cling\lib\UserInterface\clingUserInterface.vcxproj]
Looks like the "clingUserInterface" is compiled using "UNICODE".
Regards, TheAifam5
Hi, I found the AppVeyor build which failing because of:
Looks like the "clingUserInterface" is compiled using "UNICODE".
Regards, TheAifam5