vhbb / cmssw

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Different JEC for Run2016H data? #668

Open andresti opened 7 years ago

andresti commented 7 years ago


Although this post https://hypernews.cern.ch/HyperNews/CMS/get/jes/649.html suggests using the same global tag for RunH as the other runs, it points to https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/CMS/PdmV2016Analysis where different global tags are specified for PromptReco.

I'm not entirely sure if having a different GT is needed for RunH, but if it is, can it be specified by the dynamic GT specified in https://github.com/vhbb/cmssw/pull/599 ?

jpata commented 7 years ago

599 specifies the JEC tag, which is different from the GT. AFAIK we are not really using the GT in heppy. It should be specified in combined_cmssw.py.